2011 Poster Tilmanne Adaptive training of Hidden Markov Models for stylistic walk synthesis 01

“Adaptive training of hidden Markov models for stylistic walk synthesis” by Tilmanne and Dutoit

2011 Poster Velten Slow Art with a Trillion Frames Per Second Camera 01

“Slow art with a trillion frames per second camera” by Velten, Lawson, Bardagjy, Bawendi and Raskar

2011 Poster Ueda Visual Simulation of Bleeding on Skin Surface 01

“Visual simulation of bleeding on skin surface”

2011 Poster Duro Abstract Ocean Waves 03

“Abstract ocean waves” by Duro and Machado

2011 Poster Inglis Rendering Op Art Lines 01

“Rendering Op Art lines” by Inglis and Kaplan

2011 Poster Schulz ChoreoGraphics An Authoring Environment for Dance Shows 01

“ChoreoGraphics: an authoring environment for dance shows” by Schulz and Velho

2011 Poster Huber Wet Cloth Simulation 01

“Wet cloth simulation” by Huber, Pabst and Straßer

2011 Poster Schabus Simultaneous Speech and Animation Synthesis 01

“Simultaneous speech and animation synthesis” by Schabus, Pucher and Hofer

2011 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Design and optimization of image processing algorithms on mobile GPU” by Singhal, Yoo, Choi and Park

2011 Poster Loviscach Turning a Graphics Tablet into a Transparent Blackboard 01

“Turning a graphics tablet into a transparent blackboard” by Loviscach

2011 Poster Aksoy Character Shading in EA Sports MMATM Using Projected Poisson Disk Based Ambient Occlusion 01

“Character shading in EA Sports MMA™ using projected Poisson disk based ambient occlusion” by Aksoy and Phaneuf

2011 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“A framework for distributed audio smartphone games” by Collins, Taillon, Kapralos and Trivi

2011 Poster Zhang A New Model for Adaptive Displays Based on von Kries Hypothesis 01

“A new model for adaptive displays based on von Kries hypothesis” by Zhang and Cowan

2011 Poster Baker Design Goal Oriented Level Design 01

“Design goal-oriented level design” by Baker and May

2011 Poster Vanhoesel Tiled Directional Flow 01

“Tiled directional flow” by Van Hoesel

2011 Poster Northam HORT Hadoop Online Ray Tracing with MapReduce 01

“HORT: Hadoop online ray tracing with mapreduce” by Northam

2011 Poster Yousef ParXII Optimized, Data Parallel Exemplar Based Image Inpainting 01

“ParXII: optimized, data-parallel exemplar-based image inpainting” by Yousef and Hussien

2011 Poster Ruhl Integrating Multiple Depth Sensors into the Virtual Video Camera 01

“Integrating multiple depth sensors into the virtual video camera” by Ruhl, Berger, Lipski, Klose, Schroeder, et al. …

2011 Poster Tran An Image restoration method for extracting features from three dimensional auto stereoscopic Integral Photography images 01

“An image restoration method for extracting features from three-dimensional auto-stereoscopic integral photography images” by Tran, Kuwana, Liao, Masamune, Dohi, et al. …

2011 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“3D exploitation of 2D video from a hand-launched aerial glider” by Cho and Snavely

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