2010 Poster: Ozawa Markerless Object Recognition for Surface Computing

“Marker-less object recognition for surface computing” by Ozawa, Abe, Naruto, Nakae, Nakamura, et al. …

2010 Poster: Marth Parallelization of the x264 encoder using OpenCL

“Parallelization of the x264 encoder using OpenCL” by Marth and Marcus

2010 Poster: Dong Fast Efficient Algorithm for Enhancement of Low Lighting Video

“Fast efficient algorithm for enhancement of low lighting video” by Dong, Pang and Wen

2010 Poster: Kimura Practical 3D Decoration on Flat Media with Anisotropic Reflection

“Practical 3D decoration on flat media with anisotropic reflection” by Kimura, Kawai and Miyata

2010 Poster: Li Robust Movement Detection Based on a New Similarity Index for HDR Imaging

“Robust movement detection based on a new similarity index for HDR imaging” by Li, Rahardja, Wu, Zhu and Xie

2010 Poster: Trentacoste Quality Preserving Image Downsizing

“Quality-preserving image downsizing” by Trentacoste, Mantiuk and Heidrich

2010 Poster: Lee Temporally Coherent Video Matting

“Temporally coherent video matting” by Lee, Yoon and Lee

2010 Poster: Hoang Simple Gamma Correction for Fringe Projection Profilometry System

“Simple gamma correction for fringe projection profilometry system” by Hoang

2010 Poster: Kuroda Force Reflecting Porous Media with Dynamic Elasticity Change

“Force reflecting porous media with dynamic elasticity change” by Kuroda, Ashida, Imura, Kagiyama and Oshiro

2010 Poster: Bazin Virtual Face Sculpting

“Virtual face sculpting” by Bazin, Chung, Ribera, Pham and Kweon

2010 Poster: Matsuda A web system for creating and sharing 3D auditory contents

“A web system for creating and sharing 3D auditory contents” by Matsuda and Yamamoto

2010 Poster: Hirobe Colorful Touch Palette

“Colorful Touch Palette” by Hirobe, Kuroki and Sato

2010 Poster: NAGANO A New “Multiplex Content” Displaying System Compatible with Current 3D Projection Technology

“A new “multiplex content” displaying system compatible with current 3D projection technology” by Nagano, Utsugi, Hirano, Shirai and Nakajima

2010 Poster: Lech Gesture Controlled Interactive Whiteboard Based on SVM and Fuzzy Logic

“Gesture controlled interactive whiteboard based on SVM and fuzzy logic” by Lech and Kostek

2010 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“GRENDL: grid enabled distribution and control for Laptop Orchestras” by Beck, Jha, Ullmer, Branton and Maddineni

2010 Poster: An How People Tend to Organize Sensory Information into Unified Wholes in Haptic Phone?

“How people tend to organize sensory information into unified wholes in haptic phone?: focusing on cross modality interaction” by An and Lee

2010 Poster: Barthel Image Retrieval using Collaborative Filtering and Visual Navigation

“Image retrieval using collaborative filtering and visual navigation” by Barthel, Muller, Backstein, Neumann and Jung

2010 Poster: Cicconet Guitar Leading Band

“Guitar-leading band” by Cicconet, Velho, Cabral and Carvalho

2010 Poster: Park LLP+: Multi Touch Sensing Using Cross Plane Infrared Laser Light for Interactive Based Displays

“LLP+: multi-touch sensing using cross plane infrared laser light for interactive based displays” by Park and Han

2010 Poster: Gyorbiro Long term Memory Retention and Recall of Collected Personal Memories

“Long-term memory retention and recall of collected personal memories” by Gyorbiro, Larkin and Cohen

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