“Practical 3D decoration on flat media with anisotropic reflection” by Kimura, Kawai and Miyata

  • ©Eriko Kimura, Naoki Kawai, and Kazunori Miyata

  • ©Eriko Kimura, Naoki Kawai, and Kazunori Miyata



Entry Number: 73


    Practical 3D decoration on flat media with anisotropic reflection



    We have proposed a method called Bump Mapping onto Real Objects (BMRO)[1] for displaying the appearance of curved surface on flat media. The method converts normal vectors of modeled curved surface into directions of grooves by which anisotropic reflection occurs for displaying a curved surface. Although curved surfaces can appear on media by BMRO, it is still insufficient for practical use because the streamlines used for a pattern of grooves are often placed too closely or too sparsely to one another due to the vector plot employed for generating them. The simplest solution to avoid the non-uniformity is to divide the entire region into regular square or hexagonal cells and to fill each cell with parallel lines in a given direction instead of tracing the direction field strictly with streamlines, but this improvement causes aliasing to noticeably appear at the edges and ridges of the original model. In this article, we propose an improvement on generating cells that reduces aliasing for BMRO and makes it practical for industrial applications.


    Kawai, N, Bump Mapping onto Real Objects. ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Sketches. Google ScholarDigital Library
    Noda, T et al, Mosaic Image Generation using 3D Models. ASIAGRAPH 2009 PROCEEDINGS pp.110–115.Google Scholar

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