2005 Poster: McGhee 3 D Cancer Cell Visualization for Patients and Scientists

“3-D cancer cell visualization for patients and scientists”

2005 Poster: Nakao Volume Interaction with Voxels by Manipulating 3D General Grids

“Volume interaction with voxels by manipulating 3D general grids” by Nakao, Kuroda and Minato

2005 Poster: Blackett Multi scale and Multi physics Visualization

“Multi-scale and multi-physics visualization” by Blackett, Bullivant, Nickerson and Hunter

2005 Poster: Ray Modeling the fluffy lens: Construction of the Virtual Chinchilla

“Modeling the fluffy lens: construction of the virtual chinchilla” by Ray and Jurcisek

2005 Poster: Wischgoll An Explorational Exhibit of a Pig’s Heart

“An explorational exhibit of a pig’s heart”

2010 Poster: Gregson Rapid Surface and Volume Mesh Generation from Depth Augmented Visual Hulls

“Rapid surface and volume mesh generation from depth-augmented visual hulls” by Gregson and Wang

2010 Poster: Reynolds Using Interactive Evolution to Discover Camouflage Patterns

“Using interactive evolution to discover camouflage patterns” by Reynolds

2010 Poster: Kim Voronoi Diagram Computation for Protein Molecules Using Graphics Hardware

“Voronoi diagram computation for protein molecules using graphics hardware” by Kim, Lee and Baek

2010 Poster: Santos A full HDR pipeline from acquisition to projection

“A full HDR pipeline from acquisition to projection” by Santos, Gierlinger, Huff, Ritz and Stork

2010 Poster: Shetty A Physical Rendering Model for Human Teeth

“A physical rendering model for human teeth” by Shetty and Bailey

2010 Poster: Agrawal Approximate Ambient Occlusion for Dynamic Scenes using the GPU

“Approximate ambient occlusion for dynamic scenes using the GPU” by Agrawal and Kumar

2010 Poster: Northam Artistic Sketching with a Painterly Rendering Algorithm

“Artistic sketching with a painterly rendering algorithm” by Northam, Istead and Kaplan

2010 Poster: Tunwattanapong Combining Spherical Harmonics and Point Source Illumination for Efficient Image Based Relighting

“Combining spherical harmonics and point-source illumination for efficient image-based relighting” by Tunwattanapong, Ghosh and Debevec

2010 Poster: Matsusima Computational Holography: The real 3 D by fast wave field rendering in ultra high resolution

“Computational holography: the real 3-D by fast wave-field rendering in ultra high resolution” by Matsusima, Nakamura, Nakahara and Kanaya

2010 Poster: Gulbrandsen Controlling the Dark Side in Toon Shading

“Controlling the dark side in toon shading” by Gulbrandsen

2010 Poster: Hattori Curvature Depended Local Illumination Approximation of Ambient Occlusion

“Curvature depended local illumination approximation of ambient occlusion” by Hattori, Kubo and Morishima

2010 Poster: Ahn Depth based Anisotropic Kuwahara Filtering

“Depth-based Anisotropic Kuwahara Filtering” by Ahn, Yoon and Lee

2010 Poster: Hoang Exploring Global Illumination for Virtual Reality

“Exploring global illumination for virtual reality” by Hoang, Koepnick, Mahsman, Sgambati, White, et al. …

2010 Poster: Obaid Generating and Rendering Expressive Caricatures

“Generating and rendering expressive caricatures” by Obaid, Mukundan and Billinghurst

2010 Poster: Cox Dynamic Ambient Occlusion from Volumetric Proxies

“Dynamic ambient occlusion from volumetric proxies” by Cox and Kautz

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