“Artistic sketching with a painterly rendering algorithm” by Northam, Istead and Kaplan
- Artistic sketching with a painterly rendering algorithm
Hand-drawn sketches often depict geometry, colour and texture using loose and roughly drawn lines. Many automated sketching algorithms focus on accurately depicting salient details using pen-and-ink drawings. The approach of Hertzmann et. al. [2000] sketches the contours and silhouettes of 3D meshes, while the interactive algorithm of Kalnins et. al. [2002] renders decorative lines with artistic brushes and suggestions. Other 2D algorithms render Sobel and Canny edges with artistic brushes [Orzan et al. 2007].
1. Hertzmann, A., and Zorin, D. 2000. Illustrating smooth surfaces. In proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2000, ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New York, NY, USA, 517–526.
2. Hertzmann, A. 1998. Painterly rendering with curved brush strokes of multiple sizes. In proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1998, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 453–460.
3. Kalnins, R. D., Markosian, L., Meier, B. J., Kowalski, M. A., Lee, J. C., Davidson, P. L., Webb, M., Hughes, J. F., and Finkelstein, A. 2002. WYSIWYG NPR: drawing strokes directly on 3d models. In proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2002, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 755–762.
4. Orzan, A., Bousseau, A., Barla, P., and Thollot, J. 2007. Structure-preserving manipulation of photographs. In proceedings of NPAR 2007, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 103–110.