2006 Poster: Goetz Visual Shaditor: A Seamless Way to Compose High Level Shader Programs

“Visual shaditor: a seamless way to compose high-level shader programs” by Goetz and Domik

2006 Poster: Yong A stereo vision based virtual reality game by using a vibrotactile device and two position sensors

“A stereo vision based virtual reality game by using a vibrotactile device and two position sensors” by Yong, Back and Jang

2006 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Rigid body collision detection on the GPU”

2006 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Implementation of residue number systems on GPUs” by Payne and Hitz

2006 Poster: Grundhofer Real Time Adaptive Radiometric Compensation

“Real-time adaptive radiometric compensation” by Grundhöfer and Bimber

2006 Poster: Montemayor Improving GPU Particle Filter with Shader Model 3.0 for Visual Tracking

“Improving GPU particle filter with shader model 3.0 for visual tracking” by Montemayor, Pantrigo, Cabido, Payne, Sánchez, et al. …

2006 Poster: Risser True Imposters

“True imposters” by Risser

2006 Poster: Lee K TouchT M Haptic API for Various Datasets

“K-touch™ haptic API for various datasets” by Lee, Kim and Ryu

2006 Poster: Kuroda Multi finger Haptic Interaction for Soft Tissue Exclusion Manipulation

“Multi-finger haptic interaction for soft tissue exclusion manipulation” by Kuroda, Hirai, Nakao, Kuroda and Yoshihara

2006 Poster: Lee Haptic Deformation using Graphics Hardware and kd trees

“Haptic deformation using graphics hardware and kd-trees” by Lee, Kim, Park, Lee and Ryu

2006 Poster: Hashimoto Reactive Virtual Human for Human Scale Haptic Interaction

“Reactive virtual human for human scale haptic interaction” by Hashimoto, Jeong and Sato

2006 Poster: Nakatani Recreating Tactile Stimulus for Graphic Image: Basic Study

“Recreating tactile stimulus for graphic image: basic study” by Nakatani, Kajimoto, Kawakami and Tachi

2006 Poster: Danjou Facial Reconstruction of Egyptian Mummy “Senu”

“Facial reconstruction of Egyptian mummy “Senu”” by Danjou, Masunaga, Tateishi, Koiso, Uchiyama, et al. …

2006 Poster: Ropinski Simultaneously Viewing Monoscopic and Stereoscopic Content on Vertical Interlaced Autostereoscopic Displays

“Simultaneously viewing monoscopic and stereoscopic content on vertical-interlaced autostereoscopic displays” by Ropinski, Steinicke and Bruder

2006 Poster: Kamimura Substituting crossed textons for super resolution of video

“Substituting crossed textons for super resolution of video” by Kamimura, Tsumura, Motomura and Kanamori

2006 Poster: Potapovich Morphological Segmentation and Delaunay Triangulation for Mesh from Stereo1

“Morphological segmentation and delaunay triangulation for mesh from stereo” by Potapovich, Cheng and Basu

2006 Poster: Liu Favicon Seeded Web Surfing

“Favicon seeded web surfing” by Liu and Owen

2006 Poster: Hashimoto Luminance Correction with Raw Digital Images

“Luminance correction with raw digital images” by Hashimoto, Sato, Takahashi, Kasuga and Sato

2006 Poster: Kelly Interactive Generation of Cities for Real Time Applications

“Photometric HDR video for visual adaptation models” by Hirai, Nakaguchi, Tsumura and Miyake

2006 Poster: Yamamoto Color Correction for Multi camera System by using Correspondences

“Color correction for multi-camera system by using correspondences” by Yamamoto, Yendo, Fujii, Tanimoto and Suter

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