“Simultaneously viewing monoscopic and stereoscopic content on vertical-interlaced autostereoscopic displays” by Ropinski, Steinicke and Bruder

  • ©Timo Ropinski, Frank Steinicke, and Gerd Bruder




    Simultaneously viewing monoscopic and stereoscopic content on vertical-interlaced autostereoscopic displays



    On current vertical-interlaced autostereoscopic displays (ASDs) [2005a] users can view stereoscopic content without having to wear special glasses, since the two stereo images are separated using a lenticular raster or an LCD barrier integrated into the screen. Unfortunately this separation influences the viewing of monoscopic content in such a way that each eye perceives only half an image, resulting in distorted text and images. Although there are some displays allowing to switch off the LCD barrier in order to allow viewing monoscopic content, until now it was not possible to display monoscopic and stereoscopic content simultaneously on a single ASD, and simultaneous viewing is possible only by using an additional regular display to show the monoscopic content.  


    1. Dodgson, N. A. 2005a. Autostereoscopic 3d displays. IEEE Computer 38, 8, 31–36.
    2. Mark, W. R. 1999. Post-Rendering 3D Image Warping: Visibility, Reconstruction, and Performance for Depth-Image Warping. PhD thesis.
    3. Seereal Technologies, 2005b. Simultaneous 2d and 3d: An optical quantum leap for the flat display industry, press release (www.seereal.com).

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