2005 Panels 05 The Open Source Movement

“The Open-Source Movement and the Graphics Community: How Can Open-Source, Third Party, and Proprietary Software Models Coexist?” by Kainz, Mainard, Maskit, Roosendaal and Schroeder

SIGGRAPH 2005: Panels

SIGGRAPH 2005: Panels

2005 Panels 04 Believable Characters

“Believable Characters: Are AI-Driven Characters Possible, and Where Will They Take Us?” by Armstrong, Garvey, Stern and Vitz

2005 Panels 03 International CG Collaboration

“International CG Collaboration: Good, Bad, or Just Impossible?” by Argüello, Hirsch, Natarajan, Schultz and Turakhia

2005 Panels 02 Networked Performance

“Networked Performance: How Does Art Affect Technology and Vice Versa?” by Bleecker, Kozel, Rieser and Zapp

2005 Panels 01 Ubiquitous Music

“Ubiquitous Music: How Are Sharing, Copyright, and Really Cool Technology Changing the Roles of the Artist and the Audience?” by Anttila, Bassoli, D’Arcangelo and Gaye

2004 Panel 07 Games Development

“Games Development: How will you Feed the Next Generation of Hardware?” by Lavoie, Saulnier, Spoto and Vitz

SIGGRAPH 2004: Panels

SIGGRAPH 2004: Panels

2004 Panel 06 Custom Software Development in Post Production

“Custom Software Development in Post Production” by Chapman, Brooks, Hart, Maskit and Sullivan

2004 Panel 05 Cultural Heritage and Computer Graphics-What are the Issues

“Cultural Heritage and Computer Graphics: What are the Issues?” by Arnold, Chalmers, Ikeuchi and Mudge

2004 Panel 04-Next Generation User Interface Technology for Consumer Electronics

“Next Generation User Interface Technology for Consumer Electronics” by Card ll, Stone and Hirsch

2004 Panel 03 3D Animation-Difficult or Impossible to Teach and Learn

“3D Animation: Difficult or Impossible to Teach and Learn?” by Jagger, McCambell and Slagel

2004 Panel 02 Careers in Computer Graphics Entertainment

“Careers in Computer Graphics Entertainment” by Falk, Shaw, Kobayashi, O’Byrne, Scherlis, et al. …

2004 Panel 01 Building a Bridge to the Aesthetic Experience

“Building a Bridge to the Aesthetic Experience: Artistic Virtual Environments and Other Interactive Digital Art” by Betz, Crockett, Davis and Sparacino

SIGGRAPH 2010: Panels

SIGGRAPH 2010: Panels

SIGGRAPH 2011: Panels

SIGGRAPH 2011: Panels

SIGGRAPH 2012: Panels

SIGGRAPH 2012: Panels

SIGGRAPH 2013: Panels

SIGGRAPH 2013: Panels

SIGGRAPH 2014: Panels

SIGGRAPH 2014: Panels

SIGGRAPH 2015: Panels

SIGGRAPH 2015: Panels

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