2002 Talks: Woolley_Interruptible Rendering

“Interruptible rendering” by Woolley, Luebke and Watson

2002 Talks Belland_Mocap game reserve a study of puppetry and motion capture

“MOCAP game reserve: a study of puppetry and motion capture” by Belland

2002 Talks: Gumhold_Maximum Entropy Light Source Placement

“Maximum entropy light source placement” by Gumhold

2002 Talks: Grasset_MARE : Multiuser Augmented Reality Environment on table setup

“MARE: multiuser augmented reality environment on table setup” by Grasset and Gascuel

2002 Talks: Chua_MasterMotion: Full Body Wireless Virtual Reality for Tai Chi

“MasterMotion: full body wireless virtual reality for Tai Chi” by Chua, Crivella, Daly, Hu, Schaaf, et al. …

2002 Talks: Yotsukura_Magical face: Integrated Tool for Muscle Based Facial Animation

“Magical face: integrated tool for muscle based facial animation” by Yotsukura, Takahashi, Morishima, Nakamura and Kudoh

2002 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Low level intelligence for low level character animation” by Isla and Blumberg

2002 Talks: Cardle_Music-Driven Motion Editing

“Music-driven motion editing” by Cardle, Brooks, Barthe, Hassan and Robinson

2002 Talks: Lum_Motion-Based Shape Illustration

“Motion-based shape illustration” by Lum, Stompel and Ma

2002 Talks: Gustavson_Motion capture done dirt cheap

“Motion capture done dirt cheap” by Gustavson

2002 Talks: Carr_Modified Marching Octahedra for Optimal Regular Meshes

“Modified marching octahedra for optimal regular meshes” by Carr, Theußl and Möller

2002 Talks: Feldman_Modeling the Accumulation of Wind-Driven Snow

“Modeling the accumulation of wind-driven snow” by Feldman and O’Brien

2002 Talks: Shen_Modal Analysis for Real-Time Viscoelastic Deformation

“Modal analysis for real-time viscoelastic deformation” by Shen, Hauser, Gatchalian and O’Brien

2002 Talks: Murakami_Pastel-like Rendering Considering the

“Pastel-like rendering considering the properties of pigments and support medium” by Murakami and Tsuruno

2002 Talks: Suffern_Painting with Light

“Painting with light” by Suffern

2002 Talks: Raghavachary_Painterly Fire

“Painterly fire” by Raghavachary and Benitez

2002 Talks: Nohe_Occidio

“Occidio” by Nohe

2002 Talks: Economou_Now and then, here and there - Industrilandskapet

“Now and then, here and there: industrilandskapet” by Economou, Ollila, Friberg and Ynnerman

2002 Talks: Greene_Probability Paint: Controlling Group Characteristics with PDFs

“Probability paint: controlling group characteristics with PDFs” by Greene

2002 Talks: Secord_Probabilistically Placing Primitives

“Probabilistically placing primitives” by Secord and Heidrich

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