“Maximum entropy light source placement” by Gumhold

  • ©Stefan Gumhold



Interest Area:



    Maximum entropy light source placement

Session/Category Title:   Lighting



    Several methods have been proposed to help the user to position lighting sources for a given view of a 3d-scene. In the first kind of methods the user defines a desired illumination through highlight and shadow locations for which the lighting system optimizes the light positions. The more automatic approaches are based on perceptual image metrics. [Marks et al. 1997] define an image metric that measures how different two images are perceived. A collection of maximally different images is presented to the user for selection. [Shacked and Lischinski 2001] define a perceptual based image quality metric composed of six contributing terms, for which the user has to specify weights before the system searches for a locally optimal light source placement.


    1. Marks, J., Andalman, B., Beardsley, P. A., Freeman, W., Gibson, S., Hodgins, J., Kang, T., Mirtich, B., Pfister, H., Ruml, W., Ryall, K., Seims, J., and Shieber, S. 1997. Design galleries: A general approach to setting parameters for computer graphics and animation. In SIGGRAPH 97, 389–400.
    2. Shacked, R., and Lischinski, D. 2001. Automatic lighting design using a perceptual quality metric. In EUROGRAPHICS 2001, 215–226.

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