2011 ETech Cirio: The Virtual Crepe Factory: 6DoF Haptic Interaction with Fluids

“The Virtual Crepe Factory: 6DoF Haptic Interaction with Fluids” by Cirio, Marchal, Hillaire and Lécuyer

2011 ETech Ochiai: The Cyclone Display: Rotation, Reflection, Flicker and Recognition combined to the pixels

“The Cyclone Display: Rotation, Reflection, Flicker and Recognition combined to the pixels.” by Ochiai and Takai

2011 ETech Ogawa: Telenoid: Tele-presence android for communication

“Telenoid: Tele-presence android for communication” by Ogawa, Nishio, Koda, Taura, Minato, et al. …

2011 ETech Israr: Surround Haptics: Sending Shivers Down Your Spine

“Surround Haptics: Sending Shivers Down Your Spine” by Israr, Poupyrev, Ioffreda, Cox, Gouveia, et al. …

2011 ETech Leithinger: Recompose – Direct and Gestural Interaction with an Actuated Surface

“Recompose – Direct and Gestural Interaction with an Actuated Surface” by Leithinger, Lakatos, DeVincenzi and Blackshaw

2011 ETech Kanai: PocoPoco : A Tangible Device That Allows Users To Play Dynamic Tactile Interaction

“PocoPoco : A Tangible Device That Allows Users To Play Dynamic Tactile Interaction” by Kanai, Kikukawa, Suzuki, Baba and Kushiyama

2011 ETech Hashida: Photochromic Sculpture: Volumetric Color-forming Pixels

“Photochromic Sculpture: Volumetric Color-forming Pixels” by Hashida, Kakehi and Naemura

2011 ETech Kosaka: “Mommy Tummy” A pregnancy experience system simulating fetal movement

““Mommy Tummy” A pregnancy experience system simulating fetal movement” by Kosaka, Misumi, Iwamoto, Songer and Akita

2011 ETech Lee: MoleBot: Mole in a Table

“MoleBot: Mole in a Table” by Lee, Kim, Lee, Shin and Lee

2011 ETech Sato: InteractiveTop: An Entertainment System that Enhances the Experience of Playing with Tops

“InteractiveTop: An Entertainment System that Enhances the Experience of Playing with Tops” by Sato, Matoba and Koike

2011 ETech Imamura: HAPMAP: Haptic Walking Navigation System with Support by the Sense of Handrail

“HAPMAP: Haptic Walking Navigation System with Support by the Sense of Handrail” by Imamura, Arakawa, Kamuro, Minamizawa and Tachi

2011 ETech Kakehi: FuwaFuwa: Detecting Shape Deformation of Soft Objects Using Directional Photoreflectivity Measurement

“FuwaFuwa: Detecting Shape Deformation of Soft Objects Using Directional Photoreflectivity Measurement” by Kakehi, Sugiura, Withana, Lee, Nagaya, et al. …

2011 ETech Tobita: Floating Avatar: Blimp-based Telepresence System for Communication and Entertainment

“Floating Avatar: Blimp-based Telepresence System for Communication and Entertainment” by Tobita, Maruyama and Kuji

2011 ETech Tomizawa: Device-Independent Imaging System for High-Fidelity Colors

“Device-Independent Imaging System for High-Fidelity Colors” by Tomizawa, Yoshida, Hasegawa, Yoshida, Katoh, et al. …

2011 ETech Bossavit: An Immersive Multitouch Workspace

“An Immersive Multitouch Workspace” by Bossavit, Rivière, Luz, Courtois, Kervégant, et al. …

2011 ETech Smoot: A Volumetric Display Based on a Rim-Driven Varifocal Beamsplitter and LED Backlit LCD

“A Volumetric Display Based on a Rim-Driven Varifocal Beamsplitter and LED Backlit LCD” by Smoot, Smithwick and Reetz

2011 ETech Poh: A Medical Mirror for Non-contact Health Monitoring

“A Medical Mirror for Non-contact Health Monitoring” by Poh, McDuff and Picard

2011 ETech Hullin: A Dynamic BRDF Display

“A Dynamic BRDF Display” by Hullin, Lensch, Raskar, Seidel and Ihrke

SIGGRAPH 2010: Emerging Technologies

SIGGRAPH 2010: Emerging Technologies

SIGGRAPH 2009: Emerging Technologies

SIGGRAPH 2009: Emerging Technologies

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