“An Immersive Multitouch Workspace” by Bossavit, Rivière, Luz, Courtois, Kervégant, et al. …

  • ©Benoit Bossavit, Jean-Baptiste de la Rivière, Toni Da Luz, Mathieu Courtois, Cédric Kervégant, and Martin Hachet



Entry Number: 07


    An Immersive Multitouch Workspace



    Multitouch interaction has some unique strengths, one of them being that direct touch on 2D screens makes it fast and easy. Unfortunately, because of stereo disparity and content occlusion, direct touch interaction becomes an issue as soon as 3D stereoscopic content is visualized. We propose a new system that combines efficient direct multitouch interaction with co-located 3D stereoscopic visualization. In our approach, users benefit from well-known 2D metaphors and widgets displayed on a monoscopic touchscreen while visualizing 3D objects floating above the surface at an optically correct distance (see Figure 1(a)).

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©Benoit Bossavit, Jean-Baptiste de la Rivière, Toni Da Luz, Mathieu Courtois, Cédric Kervégant, and Martin Hachet


    This work was supported by the ANR project ANR-09-CORD-013 InSTInCT – http://anr-instinct.cap-sciences.net.


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