Olga Diamanti

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Stanford University

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Institute for Geometry


  • SIGGRAPH 2022

    Originally from Greece, I graduated as an electrical engineer from NTU Athens, then went on to obtain an MSc and PhD in computer science from ETH Zurich, Switzerland, followed up by postdocs at Stanford and TU Berlin. There, I finally attained one of my original “what do you want to do when you grow up” goals, which was “mathematics.” I am now an assistant professor at the Institute for Geometry at TU Graz, Austria, working on applied geometry (mostly in graphics). I have worked in various industrial research positions in the past (Adobe, Disney Research, Autodesk). I like beautiful math, good-looking graphics and scientific visualizations. I love finding patterns in things (to a fault) and exploring and exhausting ideas (be it math, philosophy, the human psyche). Music is a passion of mine, and I have a diverse set of random curiosities and interests and a general fascination for learning.

Learning Category: Organizing Committee Chair:

Learning Category: Jury Member:

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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