Naoko Tosa

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Kyoto University, Musashina Art University, Media Artist

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • ATR Media Information Science Laboratories, Researcher
  • ATR Advanced Telecommunications Research Lab


  • Kyoto, Japan



  • Naoko Tosa is a pioneer in the area of media art and an internationally renowned media artist. Her artworks became well known worldwide in the late 1980ís after one of her early artworks was selected at an exhibition called ìNew Video Japanî, organized by Barbara London, a MOMA curator. Her artwork collected at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. After receiving her PhD for Art and Technology research from the University of Tokyo, from 2002 to 2004 she was a fellow at the Centre for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT that was established by Gyorgy Kepes of Bauhaus.

    SIGGRAPH 1997

    Naoko Tosa (Lecturer) is a Media Artist & Researcher in the ATR Media Integration & Communications Research Laboratories. She is also a lecturer in the Dept of Imaging Arts and Sciences, Musashino Art University. Her major research area is Art and Technology where she is working on the creation of film & video, computer graphics animations, and interactive arts. Her recent work includes the Neuro-Baby project, an autonomous computer agent with automatic facial expression and behavior synthesis that can respond to human voice by recognizing emotions and feelings. Her work was exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art (New York), Metropolitan Art Museum, SIGGRAPH, ARS ELECTRONICA, Long Beach Museum, and other locations worldwide. Also, her works are collected at The Japan Foundation, American Film Association, Japan Film Culture Center, Nagoya Prefectural Modern Art Museum Japan, and other institutions in Japan.  

    SIGGRAPH 1996

    Naoko Tosa is a Media Artist & Researcher in the ATR Media Integration & Communications Research Laboratories. She is also a lecturer in the Dept. of Imaging Arts and Sciences, Musashino Art University. Her major research area is Art and Technology where she is working on the creation of film & video , computer graphics animations, and interactive arts. Her recent work includes the Neuro-Baby project, an autonomous computer agent with automatic facial expression and behavior synthesis that can respond to human voice by recognizing emotions and feelings. Her work was exhibited at Museum of Modern Art (New York), Metropolitan Art Museum, SIGGRAPH, Ars ELECTRONICA, Long Beach Museum, and other locations worldwide. Also, her works are collected at The Japan Foundation, American Film Association, Japan Film Culture Center, Nagoya Prefectural Modern Art Museum Japan, and other institutions in Japan.  




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