Michael Cox

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • MRJ Technology Solutions, Senior Research Scientist

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • NASA AMES Research Center


  • SIGGRAPH 1999

    Michael Cox is a senior research scientist for MRJ Technology Solutions at NASA Ames Research Center. His current work is in systems and algorithms for interactive-time management of very large data sets for scientific visualization. He also consults with Nvidia on graphics hardware algorithms and architectures for the PC. Previously, he developed algorithms and architectures for computer graphics hardware at Intel, S3, Inc., and Sun Microsystems, and previously developed distributed systems at Sun Microsystems and Advanced Computer Communications. His Ph.D. is in computer science from Princeton University.  

    SIGGRAPH 1997

    Michael Cox is a senior research scientist for MRJ Technology Solutions at NASA Ames Research Center. His current work is in run-time systems for managing very large data sets for scientific visualization. Previous to MRJ/NASA, he developed algorithms and architecture for computer graphics hardware at Intel, S3 Inc, and Sun, and previously developed distributed systems at Sun and ACC. His PhD is in computer science from Princeton University, where he worked with Pat Hanrahan on algorithms and architectures for parallel rendering. His BA is in Biology from UC Santa Cruz.  


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