Brian Hook

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Id Software, Software Engineer


  • SIGGRAPH 1998

    Brian Hook is a software engineer specializing in the field of 3D real time graphics. He got his start working at 3Dfx Interactive where he was responsible for designing and implementing the first version of Glide, a proprietary API designed to interface to 3Dfx’s various chipsets. After leaving 3Dfx he worked as a consultant with such companies as Trident Microsystems, nVidia and Silicon Graphics. At nVidia he reviewed the design of the Riva 128 before its production and at SGI he was part of their SGI OpenGL for Windows team. In mid 1997 he accepted a job with id Software where he worked on the completion of Quake II. He is currently working on the new technology that will be used in their next-generation graphics engine code named Trinity. Brian has also written on the subject of computer graphics and computer programming most recently as a columnist for Game Developer Magazine. Prior to joining id Software, Brian was a student at the University of Florida.  


Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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