Kat Curry

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Gnomon School of Visual Effects


  • SIGGRAPH 2003

    Kat Curry is student and lab tech at Gnomon School of Visual Effects, with a specialization in Character Set Up and Particles and Dynamics. Before entering the program at Gnomon, Kat was a CG Programmer at Boston University, working in scientific visualization. She had previously held numerous positions as a programmer and interface designer at small companies.

    “The Demonslayer project was my first real production. I think we all went into it with little idea of how much work it would be and how much we would learn. I can’t tell you how far working on that project went in preparing me for working professionally. I believe that my perspective as a student worker-bee will be valuable to the instructors who attend this session.”

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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