Jan C. Hardenbergh

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Oki Advanced Products Division, TeraRecon


  • SIGGRAPH 1995

    Jan has always been interested in the integration of 3D graphics into new technology. He is the author of Building Applications with PEXlib (Prentice Hall 1994) and gave several tutorials on PEX (SIGGRAPH 92, Eurographics 92, internal). In addition, he was an architect of the PEX protocol for version 4.0 and 5.0. Jan brought up the first Oki Web server in September, 1994. He has been active in the VRML 1.0 review process and maintains the VRML FAQ (URL  http://wwwoki.com/vrml/VRML_FAQ html).

    SIGGRAPH 1992

    Jan Hardenbergh has been working in computer graphics for twelve years beginning with the CORE system and working his way through user interfaces, the X window system, PHIGS and PEX. He attended his first ANSI PHIGS meeting in 1985 and became a PEX architect in 1989 for PEX 4.0 and PEX 5.O. An interest in exposing the inherent immediate mode in PEX led him to develop the PEXIM interface and explore adding immediate mode to PHIGS. Jan stays actively involved in the continued PEX standards work. His current interest is providing an integrated application  environment in the PEX, X and User Interface world. He is currently the PEX Project Leader for Oki Advanced Products Division.  


Course Organizer:

Experience Category: Jury Member:

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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