“Volume Visualization: Principles and Practice” by Kaufman, Avila, Lorensen, Sobierajski and Yagel

  • ©Arie E. Kaufman, Ricardo (Rick) Avila, William (Bill) E. Lorensen, Lisa Sobierajski, and Roni Yagel



Entry Number: 34


    Volume Visualization: Principles and Practice

Course Organizer(s):



    Volume visualization is a key technology for visualizing 3D sampled, simulated, and synthetic datasets. This course provides an overview of the nomenclature, the technology, and the techniques, with an emphasis on algorithms, software tools, and applications. The course covers different approaches in surface extraction, volume viewing, volume shading, volume synthesis, volumetric global illumination, commercially available software, and applications. Slides, videos, and live and web demos will demonstrate state-of-the-art techniques. Attendees will become familiar with the technology and several major applications, understand the available tools and techniques, and recognize the challenges confronting this emerging field. They are expected to come out of this course with a broad knowledge in all major issues of volume visualization, with some knowledge in advanced topics.  


Contents/Schedule PDF:

Contributed By:

    Maxine Brown


    In the collection of Maxine Brown

Overview Page: