“Fast Automatic Level of Detail for Physically-based Materials” by Kettner

  • ©Lutz Kettner

  • ©Lutz Kettner

  • ©Lutz Kettner

  • ©Lutz Kettner

  • ©Lutz Kettner

  • ©Lutz Kettner

  • ©Lutz Kettner

  • ©Lutz Kettner

  • ©Lutz Kettner

  • ©Lutz Kettner

  • ©Lutz Kettner

  • ©Lutz Kettner



Entry Number: 39


    Fast Automatic Level of Detail for Physically-based Materials



    Using a term rewriting system, simplifications of physically-based materials described in a declarative programming language can be created automatically. Sets of rules for the term rewriting system allow for customizing simplifications according to use cases. Examples include automatic level-of-detail generation or simplification of materials for faster rendering in realtime viewports and games.


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    The author would like to thank Jan Jordan for valuable contributions to this project as well as Alexander Keller and Mike Blake for helpful suggestions on this paper.


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