1998 Technical Paper: Hertzmann_Painterly Rendering with Curved Brush Strokes of Multiple Sizes

“Painterly rendering with curved brush strokes of multiple sizes” by Hertzmann

1998 Technical Paper: Amenta_A New Voronoi-Based Surface Reconstruction Algorithm

“A new Voronoi-based surface reconstruction algorithm” by Amenta, Bern and Kamvysselis

1998 Technical Paper: Sederberg_Non-Uniform Recursive Subdivision Surfaces

“Non-uniform recursive subdivision surfaces” by Sederberg, Zheng, Sewell and Sabin

1998 Technical Paper: Wong_Computer-Generated Floral Ornament

“Computer-generated floral ornament” by Wong, Zongker and Salesin

1998 Technical Paper: Gooch_A Non-Photorealistic Lighting Model For Automatic Technical Illustration

“A non-photorealistic lighting model for automatic technical illustration” by Gooch, Gooch, Shirley and Cohen

1998 Technical Paper: Foxlin_Constellation - A Wide Range Wireless Motion Tracking System for Augmented Reality and Virtual Set Applications

“Constellation: a wide-range wireless motion-tracking system for augmented reality and virtual set applications” by Foxlin, Harrington and Pfeifer

1998 Technical Paper: Ullmer_mediaBlocks: Physical Containers, Transports, and Controls for Online Media

“mediaBlocks: physical containers, transports, and controls for online media” by Ullmer, Ishii and Glas

1999 Technical Paper: Lee_A Hierarchical Approach to Interactive Motion Editing for Human-like Figures

“A hierarchical approach to interactive motion editing for human-like figures” by Lee and Shin

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“LOD Generation for Urban Scenes” by Lafarge, Verdie and Alliez

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“Shape Segmentation by Approximate Convexity Analysis” by Kaick, Fish, Kleiman, Asafi and Cohen-Or

1999 Technical Paper: James_Accurate Real Time Deformable Objects

“ArtDefo: accurate real time deformable objects” by James and Pai

1999 Technical Paper: Hoppe_Optimization of Mesh Locality for Transparent Vertex Caching

“Optimization of mesh locality for transparent vertex caching” by Hoppe

1999 Technical Paper: Wartell_Balancing Fusion, Image Depth and Distortion in Stereoscopic Head-Tracked Displays

“Balancing fusion, image depth and distortion in stereoscopic head-tracked displays” by Wartell, Hodges and Ribarsky

1999 Technical Paper: Aliaga_Automatic Image Placement to Provide A Guaranteed Frame Rate

“Automatic image placement to provide a guaranteed frame rate” by Aliaga and Lastra

1999 Technical Paper: Kowalski_Art-Based Rendering of Fur, Grass, and Trees

“Art-based rendering of fur, grass, and trees” by Kowalski, Markosian, Northrup, Bourdev, Barzel, et al. …

1999 Technical Paper: Regan_A Real-Time Low-Latency Hardware Light-Field Renderer

“A real-time low-latency hardware light-field renderer” by Regan, Miller, Rubin and Kogelnik

1999 Technical Paper: Preetham_A Practical Analytic Model for Daylight

“A practical analytic model for daylight” by Preetham, Shirley and Smits

1999 Technical Paper: Ramasubramanian_A Perceptually Based Physical Error Metric for Realistic Image Synthesis

“A perceptually based physical error metric for realistic image synthesis” by Ramasubramanian, Pattanaik and Greenberg

1999 Technical Paper: Funge_Cognitive Modeling: Knowledge, Reasoning and Planning for Intelligent Characters

“Cognitive modeling: knowledge, reasoning and planning for intelligent characters” by Funge, Tu and Terzopoulos

1999 Technical Paper: Witting_Computational Fluid Dynamics in a Traditional Animation Environment

“Computational fluid dynamics in a traditional animation environment” by Witting

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