“A non-photorealistic lighting model for automatic technical illustration” by Gooch, Gooch, Shirley and Cohen

  • ©Amy Gooch, Bruce Gooch, Peter Shirley, and Elaine Cohen




    A non-photorealistic lighting model for automatic technical illustration



    Phong-shaded 3D imagery does not provide geometric information of the same richness as human-drawn technical illustrations. A non-photorealistic lighting model is presented that attempts to narrow this gap. The model is based on practice in traditional technical illustration, where the lighting model uses both luminance and changes in hue to indicate surface orientation, reserving extreme lights and darks for edge lines and highlights. The lighting model allows shading to occur only in mid-tones so that edge lines and highlights remain visually prominent. In addition, we show how this lighting model is modified when portraying models of metal objects. These illustration methods give a clearer picture of shape, structure, and material composition than traditional computer graphics methods.


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