“A hierarchical approach to interactive motion editing for human-like figures” by Lee and Shin

  • ©Jehee Lee and Sung Yong Shin




    A hierarchical approach to interactive motion editing for human-like figures



    This paper presents a technique for adapting existing motion of a
    human-like character to have the desired features that are specified
    by a set of constraints. This problem can be typically formulated as
    a spacetime constraint problem. Our approach combines a hierarchical curve fitting technique with a new inverse kinematics solver.
    Using the kinematics solver, we can adjust the configuration of an
    articulated figure to meet the constraints in each frame. Through
    the fitting technique, the motion displacement of every joint at each
    constrained frame is interpolated and thus smoothly propagated to
    frames. We are able to adaptively add motion details to satisfy the
    constraints within a specified tolerance by adopting a multilevel Bspline representation which also provides a speedup for the interpolation. The performance of our system is further enhanced by
    the new inverse kinematics solver. We present a closed-form solution to compute the joint angles of a limb linkage. This analytical
    method greatly reduces the burden of a numerical optimization to
    find the solutions for full degrees of freedom of a human-like articulated figure. We demonstrate that the technique can be used for retargetting a motion to compensate for geometric variations caused
    by both characters and environments. Furthermore, we can also
    use this technique for directly manipulating a motion clip through a graphical interface.


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