2001 Technical Paper: Pauly_Spectral Processing of Point Sampled Geometry

“Spectral processing of point-sampled geometry” by Pauly and Gross

2001 Technical Paper: Sander_Texture Mapping Progressive Meshes

“Texture mapping progressive meshes” by Sander, Snyder, Gortler and Hoppe

2001 Technical Paper: Oh_Image-Based Modeling and Photo Editing

“Image-based modeling and photo editing” by Oh, Dorsey, Durand and Chen

2001 Technical Paper: Aliaga_Plenoptic Stitching: A Scalable Method for Reconstructing 3D Interactive Walkthroughs

“Plenoptic stitching: a scalable method for reconstructing 3D interactive walk throughs” by Aliaga and Carlbom

2001 Technical Paper: Buehler_Unstructured Lumigraph Rendering

“Unstructured lumigraph rendering” by Buehler, Bosse, McMillan, Gortler and Cohen

2001 Technical Paper: Sawhney_Hybrid Stereo Camera: An IBR Approach for Synthesis of Very High Resolution Stereoscopic Image Sequences

“Hybrid stereo camera: an IBR approach for synthesis of very high resolution stereoscopic image sequences” by Sawhney, Guo, Hanna, Kumar, Adkins, et al. …

2001 Technical Paper: Malzbender_Polynomial Texture Maps

“Polynomial texture maps” by Malzbender, Gelb and Wolters

2001 Technical Paper: Baxter_DAB: Interactive Haptic Painting with 3D Virtual Brushes

“DAB: interactive haptic painting with 3D virtual brushes” by , Scheib, Lin and Manocha

2001 Technical Paper: Ramamoorthi_An Efficient Representation for Irradiance Environment Maps

“An efficient representation for irradiance environment maps”

2001 Technical Paper: Coyne_WordsEye: An Automatic Text-to-Scene Conversion System

“WordsEye: an automatic text-to-scene conversion system” by Coyne and Sproat

2001 Technical Paper: Iwata_Project FEELEX: Adding Haptic Surface to Graphics

“Project FEELEX: adding haptic surface to graphics” by Iwata, Yano, Nakaizumi and Kawamura

2001 Technical Paper: Cassell_BEAT: the Behavior Expression Animation Toolkit

“BEAT: the Behavior Expression Animation Toolkit” by Cassell, Vilhjálmsson and Bickmore

2001 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“A practical model for subsurface light transport” by Jensen, Marschner, Levoy and Hanrahan

2001 Technical Paper: Westlund_Applying Appearance Standards to Light Reflection Models

“Applying appearance standards to light reflection models”

2001 Technical Paper: Doel_FOLEYAUTOMATIC: Physically-based Sound Effects for Interactive Simulation and Animation

“FoleyAutomatic: physically-based sound effects for interactive simulation and animation” by van den Doel, Kry and Pai

2001 Technical Paper: O’Brien_Synthesizing Sounds from Physically Based Motion

“Synthesizing sounds from physically based motion” by O’Brien, Cook and Essi

2001 Technical Paper: Brostow_Image-Based Motion Blur for Stop Motion Animation

“Image-based motion blur for stop motion animation” by Essa and Brostow

2001 Technical Paper: Tsingos_Modeling Acoustics in Virtual Environments Using the Uniform Theory of Diffraction

“Modeling acoustics in virtual environments using the uniform theory of diffraction” by Tsingos, Funkhouser, Ngan and Carlbom

2001 Technical Paper: Ostromoukhov_A Simple and Efficient Error-Diffusion Algorithm

“A simple and efficient error-diffusion algorithm” by Ostromoukhov

2001 Technical Paper: Reynolds_An Immersive, Multi-User, Musical Stage Environment

“An immersive, multi-user, musical stage environment” by Reynolds, Schoner, Richards, Dobson and Gershenfeld

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