“A simple and efficient error-diffusion algorithm” by Ostromoukhov

  • ©Victor Ostromoukhov




    A simple and efficient error-diffusion algorithm



    In this contribution, we introduce a new error-diffusion scheme that produces higher quality results. The algorithm is faster than the universally used Floyd-Steinberg algorithm, while maintaining its original simplicity. The efficiency of our algorithm is based on a deliberately restricted choice of the distribution coefficients. Its pleasing nearly artifact-free behavior is due to the off-line minimization process applied to the basic algorithm’s parameters (distribution coefficients). This minimization brings the Fourier spectra of the selected key intensity levels as close as possible to the corresponding “blue noise” spectra. The continuity of the algorithm’s behavior across the full range of intensity levels is achieved thanks to smooth interpolation between the distribution coefficients corresponding to key levels. This algorithm is applicable in a wide range of computer graphics applications, where a color quantization algorithm with good visual properties is needed.


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