“Unstructured lumigraph rendering” by Buehler, Bosse, McMillan, Gortler and Cohen

  • ©Chris Buehler, Michael Bosse, Leonard McMillan, Steven J. Gortler, and Michael Cohen




    Unstructured lumigraph rendering



    We describe an image based rendering approach that generalizes many current image based rendering algorithms, including light field rendering and view-dependent texture mapping. In particular, it allows for lumigraph-style rendering from a set of input cameras in arbitrary configurations (i.e., not restricted to a plane or to any specific manifold). In the case of regular and planar input camera positions, our algorithm reduces to a typical lumigraph approach. When presented with fewer cameras and good approximate geometry, our algorithm behaves like view-dependent texture mapping. The algorithm achieves this flexibility because it is designed to meet a set of specific goals that we describe. We demonstrate this flexibility with a variety of examples.


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