“Applying appearance standards to light reflection models”

  • ©Harold B. Westlund and Gary W. Meyer




    Applying appearance standards to light reflection models



    Appearance standards for gloss, haze, and goniochromatic color are applied to computer graphic reflection models. Correspondences are derived between both the gloss and haze standards and the specular exponent of the Phong model, the surface roughness of the Ward model, and the surface roughness of the Cook-Torrance model. Metallic and pearlescent colors are rendered using three aspecular measurements defined in a proposed standard for goniochromatic color. The reflection models for gloss and goniochromatic color are combined to synthesize pictures of clear coated automotive paint. Advantages of using appearance standards to select reflection model parameters include the small number of required measurements and the inexpensive commercially available instruments necessary to acquire the data. The use of a standard appearance scale also provides a more intuitive way of selecting the reflection model parameters and a reflection model independent method of specifying appearance.


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