2000 Technical Paper: Sander_Silhouette Clipping

“Silhouette clipping” by Sander, Gu, Gortler, Hoppe and Snyder

2000 Technical Paper: Chai_Plenoptic Sampling

“Plenoptic sampling” by Chai, Tong, Chan and Shum

2000 Technical Paper: Oliveira_Relief Texture Mapping

“Relief texture mapping” by Oliveira, Bishop and McAllister

2000 Technical Paper: Peercy_Interactive Multi-Pass Programmable Shading

“Interactive multi-pass programmable shading” by Peercy, Olano, Airey and Ungar

2000 Technical Paper: Pfister_Surfels: Surface Elements as Rendering Primitives

“Surfels: surface elements as rendering primitives” by Pfister, Zwicker, van Baar and Gross

2000 Technical Paper: Lokovic_Deep Shadow Maps

“Deep shadow maps” by Lokovic and Veach

2000 Technical Paper: Agarwala_Tangible Interaction + Graphical Interpretation: A New Approach to 3D Modeling

“Tangible interaction + graphical interpretation: a new approach to 3D modeling” by Anderson, Frankel, Marks, Agarwala, Beardsley, et al. …

2000 Technical Paper: Agrawala_Efficient Image-Based Methods for Rendering Soft Shadows

“Efficient image-based methods for rendering soft shadows” by Agrawala, Ramamoorthi, Heirich and Moll

2000 Technical Paper: Zongker_Example-Based Hinting of TrueType Fonts

“Example-based hinting of true type fonts” by Zongker, Wade and Salesin

2000 Technical Paper: Matusik_Image-Based Visual Hulls

“Image-based visual hulls” by Matusik, Buehler, Raskar, Gortler and McMillan

2000 Technical Paper: Bertalmio_Image Inpainting

“Image inpainting” by Bertalmio, Sapiro, Caselles and Ballester

2000 Technical Paper: Ngo_Accessible Animation and Customizable Graphics via Simplicial Configuration Modeling

“Accessible animation and customizable graphics via simplicial configuration modeling” by Ngo, Cutrell, Dana, Donald, Loeb, et al. …

2000 Technical Paper: Praun_Lapped Textures

“Lapped textures” by Praun, Finkelstein and Hoppe

2000 Technical Paper: Kaplan_Escherization

“Escherization” by Kaplan and Salesin

2000 Technical Paper: Popescu_The WarpEngine: An Architecture for the Post-Polygonal Age

“The WarpEngine: an architecture for the post-polygonal age” by Popescu, Eyles, Lastra, Steinhurst, England, et al. …

2000 Technical Paper: Eldridge_Pomegranate: A Fully Scalable Graphics Architecture

“Pomegranate: a fully scalable graphics architecture” by Eldridge, Igehy and Hanrahan

2000 Technical Paper: Piponi_Seamless Texture Mapping of Subdivision Surfaces by Model Pelting and Texture Blending

“Seamless texture mapping of subdivision surfaces by model pelting and texture blending” by Piponi and Borshukov

2000 Technical Paper: Wei_Fast Texture Synthesis using Tree-structured Vector Quantization

“Fast texture synthesis using tree-structured vector quantization” by Wei and Levoy

2000 Technical Paper: Schodl_Video Textures

“Video textures” by Schödl, Szeliski, Salesin and Essa

2000 Technical Paper: Heidrich_Illuminating Micro Geometry Based on Precomputed Visibility

“Illuminating micro geometry based on precomputed visibility” by Heidrich, Daubert, Kautz and Seidel

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