“Seamless texture mapping of subdivision surfaces by model pelting and texture blending” by Piponi and Borshukov
- Seamless texture mapping of subdivision surfaces by model pelting and texture blending
Subdivision surfaces solve numerous problems related to the geometry of character and animation models. However, unlike on parametrised surfaces there is no natural choice of texture coordinates on subdivision surfaces. Existing algorithms for generating texture coordinates on non-parametrised surfaces often find solutions that are locally acceptable but globally are unsuitable for use by artists wishing to paint textures. In addition, for topological reasons there is not necessarily any choice of assignment of texture coordinates to control points that can satisfactorily be interpolated over the entire surface. We introduce a technique, pelting, for finding both optimal and intuitive texture mapping over almost all of an entire subdivision surface and then show how to combine multiple texture mappings together to produce a seamless result.
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