“Lapped textures” by Praun, Finkelstein and Hoppe

  • ©Emil Praun, Adam Finkelstein, and Hugues Hoppe




    Lapped textures



    We present for creating texture over an surface mesh using an example 2D texture. The approach is to identify interesting regions (texture patches) in the 2D example, and to repeatedly paste them onto the surface until it is completely covered. We call such a collection of overlapping patches a lapped texture. It is rendered using compositing operations, either into a traditional global texture map during a preprocess, or directly with the surface at runtime. The runtime compositing approach avoids resampling artifacts and drastically reduces texture memory requirements.
    Through a simple interface, the user specifies a tangential vector field over the surface, providing local control over the texture scale, and for anisotropic textures, the orientation. To paste a texture patch onto the surface, a surface patch is grown and parametrized over texture space. Specifically, we optimize the parametrization of each surface patch such that the tangential vector field aligns everywhere with the standard frame of the texture patch. We show that this optimization is solved efficiently as a sparse linear system.


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