“Lapped solid textures: filling a model with anisotropic textures” by Takayama, Okabe, Ijiri and Igarashi

  • ©Kenshi Takayama, Makoto Okabe, Takashi Ijiri, and Takeo Igarashi




    Lapped solid textures: filling a model with anisotropic textures



    We present a method for representing solid objects with spatially-varying oriented textures by repeatedly pasting solid texture exemplars. The underlying concept is to extend the 2D texture patch-pasting approach of lapped textures to 3D solids using a tetrahedral mesh and 3D texture patches. The system places texture patches according to the user-defined volumetric tensor fields over the mesh to represent oriented textures. We have also extended the original technique to handle nonhomogeneous textures for creating solid models whose textural patterns change gradually along the depth fields. We identify several texture types considering the amount of anisotropy and spatial variation and provide a tailored user interface for each. With our simple framework, large-scale realistic solid models can be created easily with little memory and computational cost. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with several examples including trees, fruits, and vegetables.


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