2018 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Semi-Supervised Co-Analysis of 3D Shape Styles from Projected Lines” by Yu, Zhang, Zhang, Mahdavi-Amiri and Zhang

2018 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“MonoPerfCap: Human Performance Capture From Monocular Video” by Xu, Chatterjee, Zollhöfer, Rhodin, Mehta, et al. …

2018 Technical Paper: LI_An Implicit Frictional Contact Solver for Adaptive Cloth Simulation

“An implicit frictional contact solver for adaptive cloth simulation” by Li, Daviet, Narain, Overby, Boissieux, et al. …

2018 Technical Paper: ZHU_Blended Cured Quasi-Newton for Distortion Optimization

“Blended cured quasi-newton for distortion optimization” by Zhu, Bridson and Kaufman

2018 Technical Paper: LIU_Progressive Parameterizations

“Progressive parameterizations” by Liu, Ye, Ni and Fu

2018 Technical Paper: PENG_Anderson Acceleration for Geometry Optimization and Physics Simulation

“Anderson acceleration for geometry optimization and physics simulation”

2018 Technical Paper: BARILL_Fast Winding Numbers for Soups and Clouds

“Fast winding numbers for soups and clouds” by Barill, Dickson, Schmidt, Levin and Jacobson

2018 Technical Paper: YAN_Voxel Cores: Efficient, robust, and provably good approximation of 3D medial axes

“Voxel cores: efficient, robust, and provably good approximation of 3D medial axes” by Yan, Letscher and Ju

2018 Technical Paper: LI_Immersion of Self-Intersecting Solids and Surfaces

“Immersion of self-intersecting solids and surfaces” by Li and Barbic

2018 Technical Paper: LAZAR_Robust Optimization for Topological Surface Reconstruction

“Robust optimization for topological surface reconstruction” by Lazar, Dym, Kushinsky, Huang, Ju, et al. …

2018 Technical Paper: HE_Deep Exemplar-based Colorization

“Deep exemplar-based colorization” by He, Chen, Liao, Sander and Yuan

2018 Technical Paper: KIM_Deep Context-Aware Descreening and Rescreening of Halftone Images

“Deep context-aware descreening and rescreening of halftone images” by Kim and Park

2018 Technical Paper: ZHOU_Non-Stationary Texture Synthesis by Adversarial Expansion

“Non-stationary texture synthesis by adversarial expansion” by Zhou, Zhu, Bai, Lischinski, Cohen-Or, et al. …

2018 Technical Paper: WEIDNER_Eulerian-on-Lagrangian Cloth Simulation

“Eulerian-on-lagrangian cloth simulation” by Weidner, Piddington and Levin

2018 Technical Paper: FEI_A Multi-Scale Model for Simulating Liquid-Fabric Interactions

“A multi-scale model for simulating liquid-fabric interactions” by Fei, Batty, Grinspun and Zheng

2018 Technical Paper: WANG_Rule-Free Sewing Pattern Adjustment with Precision and Efficiency

“Rule-free sewing pattern adjustment with precision and efficiency” by Wang

2018 Technical Paper: WANG_Analytic Spherical Harmonic Coefficients for Polygonal Area Lights

“Analytic spherical harmonic coefficients for polygonal area lights” by Zhang and Ramamoorthi

2018 Technical Paper: LEIMKÜHLER_Laplacian Kernel Splating for Eficient Depth-of-field and Motion Blur Synthesis or Reconstruction

“Laplacian kernel splatting for efficient depth-of-field and motion blur synthesis or reconstruction” by Leimkühler, Seidel and Ritschel

2018 Technical Paper: NAKADA_Deep Learning of Biomimetic Sensorimotor Control for Biomechanical Human Animation

“Deep learning of biomimetic sensorimotor control for biomechanical human animation” by Nakada, Zhou, Chen, Weiss and Terzopoulos

2018 Technical Paper: LEE_Dexterous Manipulation and Control with Volumetric Muscles

“Dexterous manipulation and control with volumetric muscles” by Lee, Yu, Park, Aanjaneya, Sifakis, et al. …

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