“Eulerian-on-lagrangian cloth simulation” by Weidner, Piddington and Levin
Entry Number: 50
- Eulerian-on-lagrangian cloth simulation
Session/Category Title: Cloth Encounters of the Shirt Kind
We resolve the longstanding problem of simulating the contact-mediated interaction of cloth and sharp geometric features by introducing an Eulerian-on-Lagrangian (EOL) approach to cloth simulation. Unlike traditional Lagrangian approaches to cloth simulation, our EOL approach permits bending exactly at and sliding over sharp edges, avoiding parasitic locking caused by over-constraining contact constraints. Wherever the cloth is in contact with sharp features, we insert EOL vertices into the cloth, while the rest of the cloth is simulated in the standard Lagrangian fashion. Our algorithm manifests as new equations of motion for EOL vertices, a contact-conforming remesher, and a set of simple constraint assignment rules, all of which can be incorporated into existing state-of-the-art cloth simulators to enable smooth, inequality-constrained contact between cloth and objects in the world.
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64. Huamin Wang, James F. O’Brien, and Ravi Ramamoorthi. 2011. Data-driven Elastic Models for Cloth: Modeling and Measurement. ACM Trans. Graph. 30, 4 (July 2011), 71:1–71:12. Google ScholarDigital Library
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66. Weiwei Xu, Nobuyuki Umentani, Qianwen Chao, Jie Mao, Xiaogang Jin, and Xin Tong. 2014. Sensitivity-optimized Rigging for Example-based Real-time Clothing Synthesis. ACM Trans. Graph. 33, 4 (July 2014), 107:1–107:11. Google ScholarDigital Library