2017 Technical Paper: LOI_Programmable 2D Arrangements for Element Texture Design

“Programmable 2D Arrangements for Element Texture Design” by Loi and Hurtut

2017 Technical Paper: WINCHENBACH_Infinite Continuous Adaptivity for Incompressible SPH

“Infinite continuous adaptivity for incompressible SPH”

2017 Technical Paper: LARIONOV_Variational Stokes: A Unified Pressure-Viscosity Solver for Accurate Viscous Liquids

“Variational stokes: a unified pressure-viscosity solver for accurate viscous liquids” by Larionov, Batty and Bridson

2017 Technical Paper: HE_Shader Components: Modular and High Performance Shader Development

“Shader components: modular and high performance shader development”

2017 Technical Paper: CHAITANYA_Interactive Reconstruction of Monte Carlo Image Sequences using a Recurrent Denoising Autoencoder

“Interactive reconstruction of Monte Carlo image sequences using a recurrent denoising autoencoder” by Chaitanya, Kaplanyan, Schied, Salvi, Lefohn, et al. …

2017 Technical Paper: SELGRAD_A Compressed Representation for Ray Tracing Parametric Surfaces

“A Compressed Representation for Ray Tracing Parametric Surfaces” by Guthe, Selgrad, Lier, Martinek, Buchenau, et al. …

2017 Technical Paper: ANDERSON_Aether: An Embedded Domain Specific Sampling Language for MonteCarlo Rendering

“Aether: an embedded domain specific sampling language for Monte Carlo rendering”

2017 Technical Paper: BAKO_Kernel-Predicting Convolutional Networks for Denoising Monte Carlo Renderings

“Kernel-predicting convolutional networks for denoising Monte Carlo renderings”

2017 Technical Paper: AZENCOT_Consistent Functional Cross Field Design for Mesh adrangulation

“Consistent functional cross field design for mesh quadrangulation”

2017 Technical Paper: KARRAS_Audio-Driven Facial Animation by Joint End-to-End Learning of Pose and Emotion

“Audio-driven facial animation by joint end-to-end learning of pose and emotion”

2017 Technical Paper: TAYLOR_A Deep Learning Approach for Generalized Speech Animation

“A deep learning approach for generalized speech animation”

2017 Technical Paper: SUWAJANAKORN_Synthesizing Obama: Learning Lip Sync from Audio

“Synthesizing Obama: learning lip sync from audio” by Suwajanakorn, Seitz and Kemelmacher-Shlizerman

2017 Technical Paper: JIN_VoCo: Text-based Insertion and Replacement in Audio Narration

“VoCo: text-based insertion and replacement in audio narration” by Jin, Mysore, DiVerdi, Lu and Finkelstein

2017 Technical Paper: BRIGHT_Harmonic Global Parametrization with Rational Holonomy

“Harmonic global parametrization with rational holonomy”

2017 Technical Paper: KONRAD_Accommodation-invariant Computational Near-eye Displays

“Accommodation-invariant computational near-eye displays”

2017 Technical Paper: CAMPEN_Similarity Maps and Field-Guided T-Splines: a Perfect Couple

“Similarity maps and field-guided T-splines: a perfect couple” by Campen and Zorin

2017 Technical Paper: KOULIERIS_Accommodation and Comfort in Head-Mounted Displays

“Accommodation and comfort in head-mounted displays” by Koulieris, Bui, Banks and Drettakis

2017 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Spherical orbifold tutte embeddings” by Aigerman, Kovalsky and Lipman

2017 Technical Paper: MATSUDA_Focal Surface Displays

“Focal surface displays”

2017 Technical Paper: ZHANG_Functionality-aware Retargeting of Mechanisms to 3D Shapes

“Functionality-aware retargeting of mechanisms to 3D shapes” by Zhang

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