2010 Technical Paper: Cossairt_Diffusion Coded Photography for Extended Depth of Field

“Diffusion coded photography for extended depth of field” by Cossairt, Zhou and Nayar

2010 Technical Paper: Weber_Controllable Conformal Maps for Shape Deformation and Interpolation

“Controllable conformal maps for shape deformation and interpolation” by Weber and Gotsman

2010 Technical Paper: Chu_Camouflage Images

“Camouflage images” by Chu, Hsu, Mitra, Cohen-Or, Wong, et al. …

2010 Technical Paper: Lefebvre_By-example Synthesis of Architectural Textures

“By-example synthesis of architectural textures” by Lefebvre, Hornus and Lasram

2010 Technical Paper: Chao_A Simple Geometric Model for Elastic Deformations

“A simple geometric model for elastic deformations” by Chao, Pinkall, Sanan and Schröder

2010 Technical Paper: Barnum_A Multi-Layered Display with Water Drops

“A multi-layered display with water drops” by Barnum, Narasimhan and Kanade

2010 Technical Paper: Thurey_A Multiscale Approach to Mesh-based Surface Tension Flows

“A multiscale approach to mesh-based surface tension flows” by Thürey, Wojtan, Gross and Turk

2010 Technical Paper: Zheng_Non-local Scan Consolidation for 3D Urban Scenes

“Non-local scan consolidation for 3D urban scenes” by Zheng, Sharf, Wan, Li, Mitra, et al. …

2010 Technical Paper: He_Parameterizing Subdivision Surfaces

“Parameterizing subdivision surfaces” by He, Schaefer and Hormann

2010 Technical Paper: Kalogerakis_Learning 3D Mesh Segmentation and Labeling

“Learning 3D mesh segmentation and labeling” by Kalogerakis, Hertzmann and Singh

2010 Technical Paper: Xu_Structure-based ASCII Art

“Structure-based ASCII art” by Xu, Zhang and Wong

2010 Technical Paper: Lipman_Symmetry Factored Embedding And Distance

“Symmetry factored embedding and distance” by Lipman, Chen, Daubechies and Funkhouser

2010 Technical Paper: Jakob_A radiative transfer framework for rendering materials with anisotropic structure

“A radiative transfer framework for rendering materials with anisotropic structure” by Jakob, Arbree, Moon, Bala and Marschner

2010 Technical Paper: Lee_Learning Behavior Styles with Inverse Reinforcement Learning

“Learning behavior styles with inverse reinforcement learning” by Lee and Popovic

2010 Technical Paper: Bokeloh_A Connection between Partial Symmetry and Inverse Procedural Modeling

“A connection between partial symmetry and inverse procedural modeling” by Bokeloh, Wand and Seidel

2010 Technical Paper: Sun_Line Space Gathering for Single Scattering in Large Scenes

“Line space gathering for single scattering in large scenes” by Sun, Zhou, Lin and Guo

2010 Technical Paper: Kopf_Street Slide: Browsing Street Level Imagery

“Street slide: browsing street level imagery” by Kopf, Chen, Szeliski and Cohen

2010 Technical Paper: Ondrej_A Synthetic-Vision Based Steering Approach for Crowd Simulation

“A synthetic-vision based steering approach for crowd simulation” by Ondřej, Pettre, Olivier and Donikian

2010 Technical Paper: Ren_Interactive Hair Rendering Under Environment Lighting

“Interactive hair rendering under environment lighting” by Ren, Zhou, Li, Hua and Guo

2010 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Fabricating spatially-varying subsurface scattering” by Dong, Wang, Pellacini, Tong and Guo

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