2014 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“RayCore: A Ray-Tracing Hardware Architecture for Mobile Devices” by Nah, Kwon, Kim, Jeong, Park, et al. …

2014 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Extending the graphics pipeline with adaptive, multi-rate shading” by He, Gu and Fatahalian

2014 Technical Paper: Clarberg_AMFS: Adaptive Multi-Frequency Shading for Future Graphics Processors

“AMFS: adaptive multi-frequency shading for future graphics processors” by Clarberg, Toth, Hasselgren, Nilsson and Akenine-Moller

2014 Technical Paper: Weißmann_Smoke Rings from Smoke

“Smoke rings from smoke” by Weißmann, Pinkall and Schröder

2014 Technical Paper: Gregson_From Capture to Simulation Connecting Forward and Inverse Problems in Fluids

“From capture to simulation: connecting forward and inverse problems in fluids” by Gregson, Ihrke, Thuerey and Heidrich

2014 Technical Paper: Stomakhin_Augmented MPM for phase-change and varied materials

“Augmented MPM for phase-change and varied materials” by Stomakhin, Schroeder, Jiang, Chai, Teran, et al. …

2014 Technical Paper: Raveendran_Blending Liquids

“Blending liquids” by Raveendran, Wojtan, Thuerey and Turk

2014 Technical Paper: Edwards_Detailed Water with Coarse Grids: Combining Surface Meshes and Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin

“Detailed water with coarse grids: combining surface meshes and adaptive discontinuous Galerkin” by Edwards and Bridson

2014 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Weighted Triangulations for Geometry Processing” by Goes, Memari, Mullen and Desbrun

2014 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Exploring Quadrangulations” by Peng, Barton, Jiang and Wonka

2014 Technical Paper: Myles_Robust Field-aligned Global Parametrization

“Robust field-aligned global parametrization” by Myles, Pietroni and Zorin

2014 Technical Paper: Panozzo_Frame Fields: Anisotropic and Non-Orthogonal Cross Fields

“Frame fields: anisotropic and non-orthogonal cross fields” by Panozzo, Puppo, Tarini and Sorkine-Hornung

2014 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Robust Polylines Tracing for N-symmetry Direction Field on Triangulated Surfaces” by Ray and Sokolov

2014 Technical Paper: Dalstein_Vector Graphics Complexes

“Vector graphics complexes” by Dalstein, Ronfard and Panne

2014 Technical Paper: Bærentzen_Interactive Shape Modeling using a Skeleton-Mesh Co-Representation

“Interactive shape modeling using a skeleton-mesh co-representation” by BÆrentzen, Abdrashitov and Singh

“True2Form: 3D curve networks from 2D sketches via selective regularization” by Xu, Chang, Sheffer, Singh, Bousseau, et al. …

2014 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Flow-Complex-Based Shape Reconstruction From 3D Curve Sketches” by Sadri and Singh

2014 Technical Paper: Lipp_PushPull++

“PushPull++” by Lipp, Wonka and Müller

2014 Technical Paper: Huang_Image Completion using Planar Structure Guidance

“Image completion using planar structure guidance” by Huang, Kang, Ahuja and Kopf

2014 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Fast Local Laplacian Filters: Theory and Applications” by Aubry, Paris, Hasinoff, Kautz and Durand

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