“Augmented MPM for phase-change and varied materials” by Stomakhin, Schroeder, Jiang, Chai, Teran, et al. …

  • ©Alexey Stomakhin, Craig Schroeder, Chenfanfu Jiang, Lawrence Chai, Joseph Teran, and Andrew Selle




    Augmented MPM for phase-change and varied materials

Session/Category Title:   Fluids




    In this paper, we introduce a novel material point method for heat transport, melting and solidifying materials. This brings a wider range of material behaviors into reach of the already versatile material point method. This is in contrast to best-of-breed fluid, solid or rigid body solvers that are difficult to adapt to a wide range of materials. Extending the material point method requires several contributions. We introduce a dilational/deviatoric splitting of the constitutive model and show that an implicit treatment of the Eulerian evolution of the dilational part can be used to simulate arbitrarily incompressible materials. Furthermore, we show that this treatment reduces to a parabolic equation for moderate compressibility and an elliptic, Chorin-style projection at the incompressible limit. Since projections are naturally done on marker and cell (MAC) grids, we devise a staggered grid MPM method. Lastly, to generate varying material parameters, we adapt a heat-equation solver to a material point framework.


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