2012 Technical Paper: Bokeloh_An Algebraic Model for Parameterized Shape Editing

“An algebraic model for parameterized shape editing” by Bokeloh, Wand, Seidel and Koltun

2012 Technical Paper: Jacobson_Fast Automatic Skinning Transformations

“Fast automatic skinning transformations” by Jacobson, Baran, Kavan, Popović and Sorkine-Hornung

2012 Technical Paper: Pamplona_Tailored Displays to Compensate for Visual Aberrations

“Tailored displays to compensate for visual aberrations” by Pamplona, Oliveira, Aliaga and Raskar

2012 Technical Paper: Wetzstein_Tensor Displays: Compressive Light Field Synthesis using Multilayer Displays with Directional Backlighting

“Tensor displays: compressive light field synthesis using multilayer displays with directional backlighting” by Wetzstein, Lanman, Hirsch and Raskar

2012 Technical Paper: Sajadi_Edge-Guided Resolution Enhancement in Projectors via Optical Pixel Sharing

“Edge-guided resolution enhancement in projectors via optical pixel sharing” by Sajadi, Gopi and Majumder

2012 Technical Paper: Zhou_Point Sampling with General Noise Spectrum

“Point sampling with general noise spectrum” by Zhou, Huang, Wei and Wang

2012 Technical Paper: Zhao_Shuang Zhao Wenzel Jakob Steve Marschner Kavita Bala

“Structure-aware synthesis for predictive woven fabric appearance” by Zhao, Bala, Marschner and Jakob

2012 Technical Paper: Sun_Diffusion Curve Textures for Resolution Independent Texture Mapping

“Diffusion curve textures for resolution independent texture mapping” by Sun, Xie, Dong, Lin, Xu, et al. …

2012 Technical Paper: Galerne_Gabor Noise by Example

“Gabor noise by example” by Galerne, Lagae, Lefebvre and Drettakis

2012 Technical Paper: Tompkin_Videoscapes: Exploring Sparse, Unstructured Video Collections

“Videoscapes: exploring sparse, unstructured video collections” by Tompkin, Kim, Kautz and Theobalt

2012 Technical Paper: Berthouzoz_Tools for Placing Cuts and Transitions in Interview Video

“Tools for placing cuts and transitions in interview video” by Berthouzoz, Li and Agrawala

2012 Technical Paper: Bai_Selectively De-Animating Video

“Selectively de-animating video” by Bai, Agarwala, Agrawala and Ramamoorthi

2012 Technical Paper: Wu_Eulerian Video Magnification for Revealing Subtle Changes in the World

“Eulerian video magnification for revealing subtle changes in the world” by Wu, Rubinstein, Shih, Guttag, Durand, et al. …

“Video deblurring for hand-held cameras using patch-based synthesis” by Cho, Wang and Lee

2012 Technical Paper: Hahn_Rig-Space Physics

“Rig-space physics” by Hahn, Martin, Thomaszewski, Sumner, Coros, et al. …

2012 Technical Paper: Hildebrandt_Interactive Spacetime Control of Deformable Objects

“Interactive spacetime control of deformable objects” by Hildebrandt, Schulz, Tycowicz and Polthier

“Interactive editing of deformable simulations” by Barbic, Sin and Grinspun

2012 Technical Paper: Coros_Deformable Objects Alive!

“Deformable objects alive!” by Coros, Martin, Thomaszewski, Schumacher, Sumner, et al. …

2012 Technical Paper: Xu_Fit and Diverse: Set Evolution for Inspiring 3D Shape Galleries

“Fit and diverse: set evolution for inspiring 3D shape galleries” by Xu, Zhang, Cohen-Or and Chen

2012 Technical Paper: Yeh_Synthesizing Open Worlds with Constraints using Locally Annealed Reversible Jump MCMC

“Synthesizing open worlds with constraints using locally annealed reversible jump MCMC” by Yeh, Yang, Watson, Goodman and Hanrahan

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