“Tailored displays to compensate for visual aberrations” by Pamplona, Oliveira, Aliaga and Raskar

  • ©Vitor F. Pamplona, Manuel M. Oliveira, Daniel G. Aliaga, and Ramesh Raskar




    Tailored displays to compensate for visual aberrations



    We introduce tailored displays that enhance visual acuity by decomposing virtual objects and placing the resulting anisotropic pieces into the subject’s focal range. The goal is to free the viewer from needing wearable optical corrections when looking at displays. Our tailoring process uses aberration and scattering maps to account for refractive errors and cataracts. It splits an object’s light field into multiple instances that are each in-focus for a given eye sub-aperture. Their integration onto the retina leads to a quality improvement of perceived images when observing the display with naked eyes. The use of multiple depths to render each point of focus on the retina creates multi-focus, multi-depth displays. User evaluations and validation with modified camera optics are performed. We propose tailored displays for daily tasks where using eyeglasses are unfeasible or inconvenient (e.g., on head-mounted displays, e-readers, as well as for games); when a multi-focus function is required but undoable (e.g., driving for farsighted individuals, checking a portable device while doing physical activities); or for correcting the visual distortions produced by high-order aberrations that eyeglasses are not able to.


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