“TagOrbitals: a tag index visualization” by Kerr

  • ©Bernard Kerr




    TagOrbitals: a tag index visualization



    With the rise of web-based tagging systems, it has become important to help users search and browse the index of tags that are being created. One promising approach is visualization, but existing techniques rely on hard-to-interpret network diagrams or focus only on a small subset of a collection. This sketch introduces TagOrbitals, a technique that can display an entire index at once, while simultaneously showing details of individual tags and items.


    1. Hearst, M., 1999. The Use of Categories and Clusters in for Organizing Retrieval Results, Natural Language Information Retrieval, Strzalkowski (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    2. Shneiderman, B., Feldman, D., Rose, A., Xavier F. G. 2000, Visualizing digital library search results with categorical and hierarchical axes. ACM conference on Digital libraries, 56–66

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