2012 Technical Paper: STEINICKE_Realistic Perspective Projections for Virtual Objects and Environments

“Realistic Perspective Projections for Virtual Objects and Environments” by Steinicke, Bruder and Kuhl

2012 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Micro Perceptual Human Computation for Visual Tasks” by Gingold, Shamir and Cohen-Or

2012 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“VolCCD: Fast Continuous Collision Culling Between Deforming Volume Meshes” by Tang, Manocha, Yoon, Du, Heo, et al. …

2012 Technical Paper: JE_PolyDepth: Real-Time Penetration Depth Computation Using Iterative Contact Space Projection

“PolyDepth: Real-Time Penetration-Depth Computation Using Iterative Contact-Space Projection” by Je, Tang, Lee, Lee and Kim

2012 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Reflectance Model for Diffraction” by Cuypers, Oh, Haber, Bekaert and Raskar

2012 Technical Paper: SADEGHI_Physically-Based Simulation of Rainbows

“Physically Based Simulation of Rainbows” by Sadeghi, Munoz, Laven, Jarosz, Seron, et al. …

2012 Technical Paper: Tsai_K-Clustered Tensor Approximation: A Sparse Multilinear Model for Real-Time Rendering

“K-Clustered Tensor Approximation: A Sparse Multi-Linear Model for Real-Time Rendering” by Tsai and Shih

2012 Technical Paper: NOWROUZEZAHRAI_Sparse Zonal Harmonic Factorization for Efficient SH Rotation

“Sparse Zonal Harmonic Factorization for Efficient SH Rotation” by Nowrouzezahrai, Simari and Fiume

2012 Technical Paper: BERTHOUZOZ_A Framework for Content-Adaptive Photo Manipulation Macros: Application to Face, Landscape, and Global Manipulations

“A Framework for content-adaptive photo manipulation macros: Application to face, landscape, and global manipulations” by Berthouzoz, Li, Dontcheva and Agrawala

2012 Technical Paper: ANTANI_Interactive Sound Propagation Using Compact Acoustic Transfer Operators

“Interactive Sound Propagation Using Compact Acoustic Transfer Operators” by Antani, Chandak, Savioja and Manocha

2012 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Updated Sparse Cholesky Factors for Corotational Elastodynamics” by Hecht, Lee, Shewchuk and O’Brien

2012 Technical Paper: NIEßNER_Feature-Adaptive GPU Rendering of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces

“Feature-adaptive GPU rendering of Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces” by Nießner, Loop, Meyer and DeRose

2012 Technical Paper: SECORD_Perceptual Models of Viewpoint Preference

“Perceptual Models of Viewpoint Preference” by Secord, Lu, Finkelstein, Singh and Nealen

2012 Technical Paper: MISZTAL_Topology-Adaptive Interface Tracking Using the Deformable Simplicial Complex

“Topology-adaptive interface tracking using the deformable simplicial complex” by Misztal and BÆrentzen

2012 Technical Paper: DE WITT_Fluid Simulation Using Laplacian Eigenfunctions

“Fluid Simulation Using Laplacian Eigenfunctions” by De Witt, Lessig and Fiume

2012 Technical Paper: Bickel_Physical Face Cloning

“Physical face cloning” by Bickel, Kaufmann, Skouras, Thomaszewski, Bradley, et al. …

2012 Technical Paper: Chai_Single-View Hair Modeling for Portrait Manipulation

“Single-view hair modeling for portrait manipulation” by Chai, Wang, Weng, Yu, Guo, et al. …

2012 Technical Paper: Batty_Discrete Viscous Sheets

“Discrete viscous sheets” by Batty, Uribe, Audoly and Grinspun

2012 Technical Paper: Pfaff_Lagrangian Vortex Sheets for Animating Fluids

“Lagrangian vortex sheets for animating fluids” by Pfaff, Thuerey and Gross

2012 Technical Paper: Feng_Discrete Bi-Laplacians and Biharmonic B-splines

“Discrete bi-Laplacians and biharmonic b-splines” by Feng and Warren

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