2011 Talks: Bhat_PhotoSpace: A Vision Based Approach for Digitizing Props

“PhotoSpace: a vision based approach for digitizing props” by Bhat and Burke

2011 Talks: McDonald_Per-Face Texture Mapping for Real-time Rendering

“Per-face texture mapping for real-time rendering” by McDonald Jr. and Burley

2011 Talks: Yu_Pattern Mapping with Quad-Pattern-Coverable Quad-Meshes

“Pattern mapping with quad-pattern-coverable quad-meshes” by Yu, Xing, Akleman, Chen and Gross

2011 Talks: Buchholz_Parameterizing Animated Lines for Stylized Rendering

“Parameterizing animated lines for stylized rendering” by Buchholz, Boubekeur, Faraj, Eisemann and Paris

2011 Talks: Garanzha_Out-of-core GPU Ray Tracing of Complex Scenes

“Out-of-core GPU ray tracing of complex scenes” by Garanzha, Bely, Premoze and Galaktionov

2011 Talks: Vialaneix_SBL Mesh Filter: Fast Separable Approximation of Bilateral Mesh Filtering

“SBL mesh filter: fast separable approximation of bilateral mesh filtering” by Vialaneix and Boubekeur

2011 Talks: Loos_Runtime Implementation of Modular Radiance Transfer

“Runtime implementation of modular radiance transfer” by Loos, Antani, Mitchell, Nowrouzezahrai, Jarosz, et al. …

2011 Talks: Estebecorena_Rango: A case of Lighting and Compositing a CG animated feature in an FX-oriented facility

“Rango: a case of lighting and compositing a CG animated feature in an FX-oriented facility” by Estebecorena, Sepulveda and Sprout

2011 Talks: Heckenberg_Quill: Birds of a Feather Tool

“Quill: birds of a feather tool” by Heckenberg, Gray, Smith, Wills and Bone

2011 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Processing.js: sketching with” by Salga, Hodgin, Sobiepanek, Downe, Medel, et al. …

2011 Talks: Vale_Practical occlusion culling in KILLZONE 3

“Practical occlusion culling in KILLZONE 3: Will Vale – second intention limited – contract R&D for Guerrilla BV” by Valient

2011 Talks: Fagnou_StereoFX: survey of the main stereo film-making techniques

“StereoFX: survey of the main stereo film-making techniques” by Fagnou

2011 Talks: Frey_Spherical Skinning with Dual Quaternions and QTangents

“Spherical skinning with dual quaternions and QTangents” by Frey and Herzeg

2011 Talks: Hedberg_SpeedFur - A GPU based procedural hair & fur modeling system

“SpeedFur: a GPU based procedural Hair & Fur modeling system” by Hedberg, Lagergren and Limsäter

2011 Talks: Velten_Slow Art with a Trillion Frames Per Second Camera

“Slow art with a trillion frames per second camera” by Velten, Lawson, Bardagjy, Bawendi and Raskar

2011 Talks: Vroeijenstijn_Simulating Massive Dust in Megamind

“Simulating massive dust in Megamind” by Vroeijenstijn and Henderson

2011 Talks: Hegarty_Volumetric Effects in a Snap

“Volumetric effects in a Snap” by Hegarty, Teplyashin, Georges and Heckenberg

2011 Talks: Siegel_Untangling Hair Rendering at Disney

“Untangling hair rendering at Disney” by Siegel, Duncan, Springfield, Snary, Robinson, et al. …

2011 Talks: Marvie_Triple Depth Culling

“Triple depth culling” by Marvie, Gautron and Sourimant

2011 Talks: Kopelman_Tokyo Race Lighting for Cars 2

“Tokyo race lighting for Cars 2” by Kopelman

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