“Runtime implementation of modular radiance transfer” by Loos, Antani, Mitchell, Nowrouzezahrai, Jarosz, et al. …
- Runtime implementation of modular radiance transfer
Real-time rendering of indirect lighting significantly enhances the sense of realism in video games. Unfortunately, previously including such effects often required time consuming scene dependent precomputation and heavy runtime computations unsuitable for low-end devices, such as mobile phones or game consoles. Modular Radiance Transfer (MRT) [Loos et al. 2011] is a recent technique that computes approximate direct-to-indirect transfer [Hašan et al. 2006; Kontkanen et al. 2006; Lehtinen et al. 2008] by warping and combining light transport, in real-time, from a small library of simple shapes. This talk focusses on implementation issues of the MRT technical paper, including how our run time is designed to scale across many different platforms, from iPhones to modern GPUs.
1. Hašan, M., Pellacini, F., and Bala, K. 2006. Direct-to-indirect transfer for cinematic relighting. ACM Trans. Graph..
2. Kontkanen, J., Turquin, E., Holzschuch, N., and Sillion, F. 2006. Wavelet radiance transport for interactive indirect lighting. In EGSR.
3. Lehtinen, J., Zwicker, M., Turquin, E., Kontkanen, J., Durand, F., Sillion, F. X., and Aila, T. 2008. A meshless hierarchical representation for light transport. TOG.
4. Loos, B., Antani, L., Mitchell, K., Nowrouzezahrai, D., Jarosz, W., and Sloan, P.-P. 2011. Modular radiance transfer. Disney Technical Report.