2020 Posters: Fortney_Evaluation of a Virtual Reality-based Buffet to Address Challenges in Health Research and Practice

“Evaluation of a Virtual Reality-based Buffet to Address Challenges in Health Research and Practice” by Fortney and Persky

2020 Posters: Ahn_Exploring the Effects of Interactivity on User Experiences in an Interactive VR Fashion Show

“Exploring the Effects of Interactivity on User Experiences in an Interactive VR Fashion Show” by Ahn and Bae

2020 Posters: Hattori_Inside-out Tracking Controller for VR/AR HMD using Image Recognition with Smartphones

“Inside-out Tracking Controller for VR/AR HMD using Image Recognition with Smartphones” by Hattori and Hirai

2020 Posters: Takacs_MultiView Mannequins for Deep Depth Estimation in 360oVideos

“MultiView Mannequins for Deep Depth Estimation in 360ºVideos” by Takacs, Vincze and Richter

2020 Posters: Joshi_Dynamic Foveated Rendering for Redirected Walking in Virtual Reality

“Dynamic Foveated Rendering for Redirected Walking in Virtual Reality” by Joshi and Poullis

2020 Posters: Bakar_CrowbarLimbs: A Fatigue-Reducing VR Typing System

“CrowbarLimbs: A Fatigue-Reducing VR Typing System” by Bakar, Hsueh, Tsai and Li

2020 Posters: Hsieh_Utilizing handheld wind feedback to expand the perception of environmental wind from stationary device

“Utilizing handheld wind feedback to expand the perception of environmental wind from stationary device” by Hsieh, Chen, Wang, Chen, Han, et al. …

2020 Posters: Arora_Vuja De: Interactive Playback of Recorded Virtual Environments

“Vuja De: Interactive Playback of Recorded Virtual Environments” by Arora, Kritika, Kushwaha and Parnami

2020 Posters: Takazaki_A Method for Appropriate Occlusion between a Mid-air 3DCG Object and a Hand by Projecting an Image on the Hand

“A Method for Appropriate Occlusion between a Mid-air 3DCG Object and a Hand by Projecting an Image on the Hand” by Takazaki and Mizuno

2020 Posters: Subramanian_A Painterly Rendering Approach to Create Still-Life Paintings With Dynamic Lighting

“A Painterly Rendering Approach to Create Still-Life Paintings with Dynamic Lighting” by Subramanian and Akleman

2020 Posters: Kawai_TubeMap: A Projection for Omnidirectional View Interpolation

“TubeMap: A Projection for Omnidirectional View Interpolation” by Kawai, Kondo and Tanaka

2020 Posters: Rahmani_reFrame: An Alternate Paradigm for Augmented Reality

“reFrame: An Alternate Paradigm for Augmented Reality” by Rahmani

2020 Posters: Su_Seamlessly Depth-Enhanced VR Display for 360 Wild Images

“Seamlessly Depth-Enhanced VR Display for 360 Wild Images” by Su, Chien, Lee and Lin

2020 Posters: Petkov_Rendering of 4D Ultrasound Data with Denoised Monte Carlo Path Tracing

“Rendering of 4D Ultrasound Data with Denoised Monte Carlo Path Tracing” by Petkov, Yu and Houle

2020 Posters: Doi_Non-photorealistic Radiance Remapping

“Non-photorealistic Radiance Remapping” by Doi and Morimoto

2020 Posters: Loi_Visualization of angle-dependent plasmonic structural coloration by FDTD-simulated BSDF and ray-tracing rendering

“Visualization of angle-dependent plasmonic structural coloration by FDTD-simulated BSDF and ray-tracing rendering” by Loi and Chau

2020 Posters: Guo_Representing Crochet with Stitch Meshes

“Representing Crochet with Stitch Meshes” by Guo, Lin, Narayanan and McCann

2020 Posters: Hashimoto_Wide Viewing Angle 3D Aerial Display using Micro-Mirror Array Plates and Aerially-coupled 3D Light Sources

“Wide Viewing Angle 3D Aerial Display using Micro-Mirror Array Plates and Aerially-coupled 3D Light Sources” by Hashimoto and Murofushi

2020 Posters: Reis_Deeply Emotional Talking Head: A Generative Adversarial Network Approach to Expressive Speech Synthesis with Emotion Control

“Deeply Emotional Talking Head: A Generative Adversarial Network Approach to Expressive Speech Synthesis with Emotion Control” by Reis, Costa and Martino

2020 Posters: Randrianandrasana_A six-flux transfer approach for efficient layered materials rendering

“A six-flux transfer approach for efficient layered materials rendering” by Randrianandrasana, Callet and Lucas

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