“Wide Viewing Angle 3D Aerial Display using Micro-Mirror Array Plates and Aerially-coupled 3D Light Sources” by Hashimoto and Murofushi

  • ©Naoki Hashimoto and Kota Murofushi

  • ©Naoki Hashimoto and Kota Murofushi

  • ©Naoki Hashimoto and Kota Murofushi



Entry Number: 37


    Wide Viewing Angle 3D Aerial Display using Micro-Mirror Array Plates and Aerially-coupled 3D Light Sources



    In this study, we propose a method to produce a simple 3D aerial image display with a wide viewing angle. In recent years, research on aerial imagery has been actively evolving. However, in order to create a 3D aerial image with a wide viewing angle, complex and large-scale devices are still required. In the present study, the visual field of a retro-transmissive optical system is widened by a symmetric mirror structure that also enables multiple 3D images to be seamlessly coupled midair to form a wide viewing angle 3D display. As a result, a viewing angle approximately three times that of the conventional system is realized using only simple optical systems.


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©Naoki Hashimoto and Kota Murofushi ©Naoki Hashimoto and Kota Murofushi


    This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP19H04152.


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