2015 Posters: Kleinberger_V3: an Interactive Real-Time Visualization of Vocal Vibrations

“V3: an Interactive Real-Time Visualization of Vocal Vibrations” by Kleinberger

2015 Posters: Tsoupikova_The Battle for Hearts and Minds: Interrogation and Torture in the Age of War

“The Battle for Hearts and Minds: Interrogation and Torture in the Age of War” by Tsoupikova, Rettberg, Coover and Nishimoto

2015 Posters: Mizuno_Sketch Dance Stage

“Sketch Dance Stage” by Mizuno, Isoda, Ito, Okamoto, Kondo, et al. …

2015 Posters: Igarashi_Patchy: An Interactive Patchwork Design System

“Patchy: An Interactive Patchwork Design System” by Igarashi and Mitani

2015 Posters: Ramakers_PaperPulse: An Integrated Approach for Embedding Electronics in Paper Designs

“PaperPulse: An Integrated Approach for Embedding Electronics in Paper Designs” by Ramakers, Todi and Luyten

“Interactive Tree Illustration Generation System” by Mama, Morimoto and Nakajima

2015 Posters: Kim_Hue extraction and Tone match: Generating a Theme Color to Enhance the Emotional Quality of an Image

“Hue extraction and Tone match: Generating a Theme Color to Enhance the Emotional Quality of an Image” by Kim and Suk

2015 Posters: Goswami_FrameShift: Shift Your Attention, Shift the Story.

“FrameShift: Shift Your Attention, Shift the Story” by Goswami, Tregubov and Loeb

2015 Posters: Tang_Form-finding with Polyhedral Meshes Made Simple

“Form-finding with Polyhedral Meshes Made Simple” by Tang, Sun, Gomes, Wallner and Pottmann

2015 Posters: Nakashima_Extraction of A Smooth Surface from Voxels Preserving Sharp Creases

“Extraction of A Smooth Surface from Voxels Preserving Sharp Creases” by Nakashima and Igarashi

2015 Posters: Chen_Encore: 3D Printed Augmentation of Everyday Objects with Printed-Over, Affixed and Interlocked Attachments

“Encore: 3D Printed Augmentation of Everyday Objects with Printed-Over, Affixed and Interlocked Attachments” by Chen, Coros, Mankoff and Hudson

2015 Posters: Koyama_Crowd-Powered Parameter Analysis for Computational Design Exploration

“Crowd-Powered Parameter Analysis for Computational Design Exploration” by Koyama, Sakamoto and Igarashi

2015 Posters: Chiu_Continuous Circular Scribble Arts

“Continuous Circular Scribble Arts” by Chiu, Lo, Ruan, Yang, Lee, et al. …

2016 Posters: Liu_VisLoiter: A System to Visualize Loiterers Discovered from Surveillance Videos

“VisLoiter: A System to Visualize Loiterers Discovered from Surveillance Videos” by Liu, Nishimura and Araki

2016 Posters: Furukawa_Video Reshuffling: Automatic Video Dubbing without Prior Knowledge

“Video Reshuffling: Automatic Video Dubbing without Prior Knowledge” by Furukawa, Kato, Savkin and Morishima

2016 Image Not Available

“The Need for Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research” by Joel

2016 Posters: Jeon_Texture Map Generation for Large-scale 3D Reconstructed Scenes

“Texture Map Generation for Large-scale 3D Reconstructed Scenes” by Jeon, Jung, Kim and Lee

2016 Posters: Sato_Combining Multiple Flow Fields for Editing Existing Fluid Animations

“Combining Multiple Flow Fields for Editing Existing Fluid Animations” by Sato, Dobashi and Nishita

2016 Posters: Kodama_Suggestive Painterly Style Image Generation System to Satisfy User Preferences

“Suggestive Painterly Style Image Generation System to Satisfy User Preferences” by Kodama and Takahashi

2016 Posters: Stuyck_Sculpting Fluids: A New and Intuitive Approach to Art-Directable Fluids

“Sculpting Fluids: A New and Intuitive Approach to Art-Directable Fluids” by Stuyck and Dutré

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