2015 Posters: Levallois_Feature Extraction on Digital Snow Microstructures

“Feature Extraction on Digital Snow Microstructures” by Levallois, Coeurjolly and Lachaud

2015 Posters: Ochiai_Fairy Lights in Femtoseconds: Aerial and Volumetric Graphics Rendered by Focused Femtosecond Laser Combined with Computational Holographic Fields

“Fairy Lights in Femtoseconds: Aerial and Volumetric Graphics Rendered by Focused Femtosecond Laser Combined with Computational Holographic Fields” by Ochiai, Kumagai, Hoshi, Rekimoto, Hasegawa, et al. …

2015 Posters: Suzuki_ExPixel FPGA: multiplex hidden imagery for HDMI video sources

“ExPixel FPGA: multiplex hidden imagery for HDMI video sources” by Suzuki, Hsieh, Tsuda and Shirai

2015 Posters: Choi_Enhancing Time and Space Efficiency of Kd-tree for Ray-tracing Static Scenes

“Enhancing Time and Space Efficiency of Kd-tree for Ray-tracing Static Scenes” by Choi, Seo and Ihm

2015 Posters: Ouni_Dynamic Realistic Lip Animation using a Limited number of Control Points

“Dynamic Realistic Lip Animation using a Limited number of Control Points” by Ouni and Gris

2015 Posters: Maki_Display of Diamond Dispersion Using Wavelength-division Rendering and Integral Photography

“Display of Diamond Dispersion Using Wavelength-division Rendering and Integral Photography” by Maki and Yanaka

2015 Posters: Maki_Display of Diamond Dispersion Using Wavelength-division Rendering and Integral Photography

“Critical Points with Discrete Morse Theory” by Guo, Akleman, Ying, Wang and Liu

2015 Posters: Holloway_Contour Guided Surface Deformation For Volumetric Segmentation

“Contour Guided Surface Deformation For Volumetric Segmentation” by Holloway, Ju and Grimm

2015 Posters: Rafighi_Continuous and Automatic Registration of Live RGBD Video Streams with Partial Overlapping Views

“Continuous and Automatic Registration of Live RGBD Video Streams with Partial Overlapping Views” by Rafighi, Seifi and Meruvia-Pastor

2015 Posters: Kang_Component Segmentation of Sketches Used in 3D Model Retrieval

“Component Segmentation of Sketches Used in 3D Model Retrieval” by Kang, Xu, Lin, Xu, Luo, et al. …

2015 Posters: Watanabe_Color perception difference: White and gold, or black and blue?

“Color perception difference: White and gold, or black and blue?” by Watanabe, Fujii, Nakamura and Korenaga

2015 Posters: Yan_Burning The Medial Axis

“Burning The Medial Axis” by Yan, Ju, Letscher and Chambers

2015 Posters: Mukai_Bubble Rupture Simulation by Considering High Density Ratio

“Bubble Rupture Simulation by Considering High Density Ratio” by Mukai, Mita and Chang

2015 Posters: Tung_Augmented Dynamic Shape for Live High Quality Rendering

“Augmented Dynamic Shape for Live High Quality Rendering” by Tung

2015 Posters: Kawanabe_atmoRefractor: Spatial Display by Controlling Heat Haze

“atmoRefractor: Spatial Display by Controlling Heat Haze” by Kawanabe and Hashida

2015 Posters: Yamasaki_A Prediction Model on 3D Model Compression and Its Printed Quality Based on Subjective Study

“A Prediction Model on 3D Model Compression and Its Printed Quality Based on Subjective Study” by Yamasaki, Nakano and Aizawa

2015 Posters: NOZAWA_3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Non-Frontal Face Image

“3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Non-Frontal Face Image” by Nozawa, Kuwahara and Morishima

2015 Posters: Kim_UnAMT: Unsupervised Adaptive Matting Tool for Large-Scale Object Collections

“UnAMT: Unsupervised Adaptive Matting Tool for Large-Scale Object Collections” by Kim, Park and Park

2015 Posters: Chiang_Synthesizing Close Combat Using Sequential Monte Carlo

“Synthesizing Close Combat Using Sequential Monte Carlo” by Chiang, Lin, Chang and Ouhyoung

2015 Posters: Kanazawa_Rust Aging Simulation Considering Object's Geometries

“Rust Aging Simulation Considering Object’s Geometries” by Kanazawa, Tanabe, Moriya and Takahashi

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