2004 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“The DEFENDEX-ESPGX” by Hosale and Thompson

2004 Poster: Libonati_Go Small, Video Screening Rooms for the Web

“Go Small, Video Screening Rooms for the Web” by Libonati, Rogers and Masucci

2004 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“I’myth” by Domingues, Reinaldo, Lazzarotto, Passos and Reategui

2004 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“EmoteMail” by Ängeslevä, Reynolds and O’Modhrain

2004 Poster: Park_How to visually create clear personalities with Blogs?

“How to visually create clear personalities with Blogs?” by Park, Kim and Kim

2004 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Evil Twin :Ambient Gaming” by Mikesell

2004 Poster: Rodriguez_MO*TRAX virtual environments for "raves"

“MO*TRAX virtual environments or “raves”” by Rodriguez, Morales, Quijano and Goméz

2004 Poster: Gielis_Variational Superformula Curves for 2D and 3D Graphic Arts

“Variational Superformula Curves for 2D and 3D Graphic Arts” by Gielis, Bastiaens, Krikken, Kiefer and Blochouse

2004 Poster: Gielis_Superformula solutions for 3D Graphic Arts and CAD/CAM

“Superformula solutions for 3D Graphic Arts and CAD/CAM” by Gielis and Beirinckx

2004 Poster: Tankelevich_Potential Fields and Implicit Modeling

“Potential Fields and Implicit Modeling” by Tankelevich and Rockwood

2004 Poster: Lien_Approximate Convex Decomposition of Polyhedra

“Approximate Convex Decomposition of Polyhedra” by Lien and Amato

2004 Poster: Wrotek_Real-Time Bump Map Deformations

“Real-Time Bump Map Deformations” by Wrotek, Rice and McGuire

2013 Poster: Winters_Attention Guiding Principles in 3D Adventure Games

“Attention Guiding Principles in 3D Adventure Games” by Winters and Zhu

2013 Poster: Kim_Wrinkle Flow for Compact Representation of Predefined Clothing Animation

“Wrinkle Flow for Compact Representation of Predefined Clothing Animation” by Kim and Farbiz

2013 Poster: Nii_Wide Area Projection Method for Active Shuttered Real Image Autostereoscopy

“Wide area projection method for active-shuttered real image autostereoscopy” by Nii

2013 Poster: Ozawa_Wearable Line-of-Sight Detection System Using Transparent Optical Sensors on Eyeglasses and Their Applications

“Wearable Line-of-Sight Detection System Using Transparent Optical Sensors on Eyeglasses and Their Applications” by Ozawa, Oikawa, Sampei and Miki

2013 Poster: Ichikari_Vuvuzela: A Facial Scan Correspondence Tool

“Vuvuzela: A Facial Scan Correspondence Tool” by Ichikari, Alexander and Debevec

2013 Poster: Kokubun_Visuo-haptic Interaction with Mobile Rear Touch Interface

“Visuo haptic Interaction with Mobile Rear Touch Interface” by Kokubun, Ban, Narumi, Tanikawa and Hirose

2013 Poster: Polisciuc_Visualizing Urban Mobility

“Visualizing Urban Mobility” by Polisciuc, Alves, Bento and Machado

2013 Poster: Kamolov_Visualizing the Flow of Users on a Wireless Network

“Visualizing the Flow of Users on a Wireless Network” by Kamolov, Machado and Miguel Cruz

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