“How to visually create clear personalities with Blogs?” by Park, Kim and Kim

  • ©Su-E Park, Hyejin Kim, and Jinwoo Kim

  • ©Su-E Park, Hyejin Kim, and Jinwoo Kim



Entry Number: 008


    How to visually create clear personalities with Blogs?



    In this study, one of the primary goals is to define important psychological dimensions of cyber-personality that is unique characteristics of individual on the cyber space. The other goal is to identify graphical design elements used to create cyber-personality in the second generation blog.


    1. Kim, J., Lee, J., and Choi, D.(2003) Designing Emotionally Evocative Homepages: An Empirical Study of the Quantitative Relations between Design Factors and Emotional Dimensions, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 59, 6, 899–940.
    2. Mischel, W. (1993) Introduction to personality, Holt Rinehart and Winston, Inc., TX.
    3. Stone, B. (2002) Blogging: Genius Strategies for Instant Web Content, New Riders Publishing, IN.
    4. Wallace, P. M. (1999) Psychology of the Internet, Cambridge University Press, MA.


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