“Vuvuzela: A Facial Scan Correspondence Tool” by Ichikari, Alexander and Debevec

  • ©Ryosuke Ichikari, Oleg Alexander, and Paul E. Debevec

  • ©Ryosuke Ichikari, Oleg Alexander, and Paul E. Debevec

  • ©Ryosuke Ichikari, Oleg Alexander, and Paul E. Debevec



Entry Number: 113


    Vuvuzela: A Facial Scan Correspondence Tool



    When scanning an actor’s face in multiple static facial expressions, it is often desirable for the resulting scans to all have the same topology and for the textures to all be in the same UV space. Such “corresponded” scans would enable the straightforward creation of blendshape-based facial rigs. We present Vuvuzela, a semi-automated facial scan correspondence tool. Vuvuzela is currently being used in our facial rigging pipeline, and was one of the key tools in the Digital Ira project.


    1. Ekman, P., and Friesen, W. 1978. Facial Action Coding System: A Technique for the Measurement of Facial Movement. Consulting Psychologists Press, Palo Alto.
    2. Ghosh, A., Fyffe, G., Tunwattanapong, B., Busch, J., Yu, X., and Debevec, P. 2011. Multiview face capture using polarized spherical gradient illumination. ACM Trans. Graph. 30, 6 (Dec.), 129:1–129:10.

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©Ryosuke Ichikari, Oleg Alexander, and Paul E. Debevec ©Ryosuke Ichikari, Oleg Alexander, and Paul E. Debevec


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